Welcome to Odiosis!

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"Hello there, newcomer! My name is Anrea, and I guess you could call me the "mayor's assistant" of the city. Although, I am terribly sorry that the mayor himself could not make it; he is a very busy man... I hope I could be of assistance to you anyway!

Odiosis is actually the largest of the three cities of Medeis; though we have isolated ourselves off from the other two. The others are mostly into magic and such, but we are not. It is strictly prohibited here, unfortunately. The mayor sees it as a threat, and will execute any source of it if he or his henchmen see it... Are you one of the magic doers? If you are, I promise not to tell him....

Our life needs a little more magic anyway~"

Guild Rules

*No Godmodding please; there's gonna be characters that won't get along, so there will be fighting. Just make it a fair fight for someone whose equal in strength to your character.
*Also, do NOT control their character, it's annoying for me and annoying for everyone else. When I say this I mean don't do something like this;

Ex My character walks down the street. My character shoves your character and he suddenly starts gushing blood from the eyes, then screams like a little girl.

*Make sure your RPing is at least semi-literate; make sure we can understand what you're trying to get across, put periods, commas and quotation marks where they belong(also TRY to replace "ok" with "okay" and "u" with "you." It's a small pet peeve of mine, so you don't HAVE to, I would just like you more if you did(I'm kidding, I'd love every single one of you here <3).

*No Mary Sues or Gary Stus. I can't tell you how annoying these are.

*Romance is obviously allowed, though when the pants come off, it's time to switch to PMs or time skip!

**This is also an LGBT Support Zone, so don't be afraid to show your true colors~!

*Be respectful to everyone else in the guild; it's okay to give them constructive criticism, but please, don't be mean or hateful. We're a big happy family here~

*Don't send in a blank application please, just tell me a little about yourself, how long you've been roleplaying, and maybe a sample of your roleplay in there too(doesn't have to be much, just four-five sentences at least). Also, so I know you read the rules, put in the application what your favorite food is.

There will be probably more rules in the near future, but that is it for now. Welcome to Odiosis, and please enjoy your stay!

~Angel Wingz