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Are you one with True Potential?
Then you have been accepted into Asgard Academy, the citadel-school floating in the stratosphere of the Upper World to become a Magi, a wielder of magic, made possible by your bloodline. Are you a human? An elf? or perhaps something more feral or sinister? Countless possibilities await, as the courses offered at the Academy are as diverse as the students themselves. And when you graduate, you shall look forward to joining up with one of the six Leagues, all striving together and against eachother for the ultimate goal of the Eternal Throne, and complete control of the entire Upper World. What is your destiny? Are you a lover or a fighter? Do you watch your friend's backs, or put daggers into them? Are you loyal to your League, or just ambitious to do anything to win your way to the top? Who are your friends, your enemies, your abilities, your motives? And in the end, will they be able to shape the course of eternal history?

l'histoire du monde

The planet we once called Earth is now a soiled, broken wasteland. Survival of the fittest has warlords fighting for control of valuable resources like food and water, and everyone must do their share for their group to ensure survival. Sometimes, these humans are born “special”- their souls resonate with two different frequencies, like one body with two heartbeats. This proves the existence of what is called True Potential in a human being- the capacity to wield the Divine Fire of the Gods, stolen by Prometheus from Olympus, given to humans. This was a mistake, for humans had no idea of it’s true power; they used it in its most mundane forms, and thus the boon was wasted. However, there were a select few who, after centuries and generations uncountable, eventually deciphered the more profound energies of the Gift; Their descendants today are known as those with True Potential. The other heartbeat of their soul is dubbed their “alteranima”- a manifestation of the part of their spirit capable of wielding the refined Divine Fire, which we call Magic.
These beings are feared and hated in the Lower World. Fortunately, beings of the Upper World keep close watch for such True Potential, and when it is found, even quicker to capture it and thus save it from a horrible fate. These watchers are ones with True Potential themselves, and impart the knowledge of who and what they are to their charges, as well as get them started down their own path. They have become Mentors to the next generation of Magi, who will often take upon their savior’s viewpoints and ideology. When they have gained a proper background on their legacy, they are taken up, far far up, beyond their imagination of the Lower World, into a place completely separate… This is the Upper World. And at the crux of it lies their final training ground, Asgard Academy.
In the Academy, no subject is looked upon as too menial or unimportant. Everything is studied, from the Dark Arts to botany and horology. The students are all mixed at first, but as they go farther on in their educational careers, they will start naturally sorting themselves into divisions, in preparation for graduation, when they will apply for admission into one of the six Leagues that govern all of the Upper World. The Leagues are as follows-
Black Lotus, Blue Saturnalia, Red Kaiser, Yellow Horizon, Green Aurora, and White Oracle.
Each has a different outlook, different requirements for students, all depending on the League Maester. Beneath the Maester, there are two equal-power positions, the Right and Left Flanks. Beneath them are the Knights. They are the strongest of the League, and beneath them are the Ranked, the commonplace members. The idea is, the six Leagues are the strongest in all the planes of the Upper World. All Maesters are also the six Administrators the of the Academy, subservient to only one being- The Crowned One, who sits upon the Eternal Throne, and is the Headmaster of the Academy, and effective Emperor of the Upper World. Some might even call him God Himself, if you consider God to have a corporeal form. Generally, there is nothing any one of the six Maesters would rather do than dethrone him, and take over as Supreme One. For then, all the power will be consolidated, and they can achieve the goal of Finale; an assault and domination of the Lower Lands, and Reunification of the entire Whole World. Since day one in the Academy, each Magus (the students) have it drilled into their heads that this is what they all should be striving for. If you will not be a leader, you should be a loyal soldier in your League to attain victory. To that end, the various members of the Leagues make and break deals with eachother, working together and against eachother at the same time, all in a political power game, trying for the Throne. This whole system was supposedly set up by The Crowned One himself, to ensure that only the strongest would stand before him in the end.