Hey guys.

Next raffle prizes:
Collectible Letter for January 2015
February 2015 Sealed Letter
January 2015 Black Box

Our next member count we are looking for is 154 so invite your friends or quote one of the Vice Captains in the "looking for new members" forum with a username and we'll send the invite for you. As always, we are extremely interested in any kind of input so please let us know in the "Questions, Comments, Concerns" forum.


Our first Ticketed Raffle has ended and the winner is Pickled Cactus! Congratulations and thanks to everyone who participated! I have read through the resulting conversations in the thread and am tailoring the next raffle to include the new suggestions! Your input is always appreciated and put to good use!


I think we are going to be taking on a charity thread soon. We'd like to hear input from our members in the "Questions, Comments, Concerns" thread! Crew members can use the Charity specific thread in the crew only forum. If your using the regular forum, make sure you quote me! My username is SumikoYuina.
