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Farinn is a post-apocalyptic area where four groups with four different ideals co-exist.

Skira: The Skira want to purge the world of people who are weak and defective. That includes anyone who disagrees with the way of the Skira. The Skira want to also eradicate all Ovirkur so they can live peacefully and repopulate with superior people.

Groa: The Groa people wish to restore the world to the way it used to be before the bombs fell. They also want to try and "cure" the Ovirkur virus/ mutation but all attempts so far have been futile but no scientist has yet spent time working on the virus. They are against the Skira.

Leit: These are the hunters. They are only concerned with the Ovirkur and killing them. They don't care about repopulating or rebuilding. The Leit are thought of by the Skira as brutes and uncivilized people. They mostly live off the land.

Standast: The Standast is what people are classified as when they have not yet chosen a belief. These people are open for converting so normally they don't try to make a bad impression. Standast people exist and do what they feel and are free to chose a belief through experience.

They have been living here for years...not peacefully exactly for the Skira are people that wish to one day genocide everyone that stands against them...ten years ago the Skira overran Farinn and is now the most populated of the groups...they fill the city and have forced a large number of Groa out. There are few that remain. the Standast are welcome to stay since they do not wish to be a dominating group. They merely are just surviving alongside the Skira but don't exactly share their radical ideals and don't wish to stand against them as the few Groa left foolishly seem to be doing...

User Image Wretch the leader of the Skira is now on his deathbed at 45. He is probably not going to make it due to the severe lack of doctors in the Skira. Beloved by all seen as a great guy everyone is respectfully keeping their distance from thinking about who is going to replace him once he's gone...Wretch Never got far enough to act on the genocide of the operation set in motion by the previous leader Malcolm...Wretch became soft and would probably never went through with it anyways...The next leader will be chosen based on not making the same mistake of letting others weaken his/her heart like Wretch did...

The Standast did rebuild and repair the's a sturdy livable place with a currency system set by the Skira. This has attracted a LARGE number of new members to the city and there is a lot of work for guards for hire. Most of the Skira army is filled to the brim with mercenaries for anyone to hire...also thanks to the Standast's outstanding work on the inner city unfortunately it attracts riaders that attack for food and supplies...

Groa are trying to rebuild their group and take down the Skira to stop the genocide...they don't brag about being Groa however...

Outside of the main city of Farinn territory there live the last group the Leit that are facing their own issues with the Ovirkur keeping them at a reasonable number so they don't wipeout the people of Farinn...The Leit have no concern for the inner city squabbles...unfortunately there are somehow a surplus of Ovirkur lately and sometimes they get past the Leit...The Civil Leit in the Red Guard moved on...most of them were picked off and killed by Skria since they were the ones that caused the most threat to Wretch. They were made the example and no one seems to be testing the Skira...

Ovirkur are mutations from the nuclear apocalypse that put the world in the current dying state survivors have to rebuild in. They are a litte more advanced that just monsters and think.

Where will your character begin?


This is a continued guild based on the old guild Farinn MERELY 10 YEARS IN THE FUTURE but hopefully easy to get into for newcomers

You will be automatically accepted upon requesting and your posting style will be monitored by me, if i see a problem i will tell you. If you have any questions please message me, or my vice about details. We are currently open for join requests.