The Ouran Private Academy is defined by One, prestigious families, and two, wealth. And prosperous people have much time on their hands. Therefore, this Ouran Host Club is about these handsome guys that have time giving hospitality to these lovely ladies, who also have time and profit off them. It's an elegant game unique to this super-rich school, and now, to Gaia Online.

So, what makes our guild different from the other Ouran guilds? Simple.

We are not a fan guild. We are a fully functional HOST CLUB.

Every member of the Ouran High School Host Club is represented in our ranks and cosplayed by some of the most accurate, in character players on Gaia. We have gone to great lengths to give you lovely ladies the most authentic Host Club experience possible!

User Image

We, the members of Ouran Academy's Host Club, have come to Gaia to please you. We are here to serve you in every way possible. You may come and designate one, or all of us, to be your host for the time you are here. Come in an escape the hastle of everyday life! Join us, relax, and be treated like the Princesses you are.

Feel free to request a join. Once you have, be sure to introduce yourself and read all rules threads carefully. Thank you!

Official Host Club Affiliates:
Love and Justice: Magical Girls of Gaia

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All donations should go to our guild mule: OuranHighHost. Any donations made will go directly to funding our themes and costumes! Thank you very much for your generosity!