Welcome younglings...
I am Eliza Rosa Rivera Empress of Elena..
Welcome to Elena Empire My home and your salvation.
Now the rules are simple
0, No godmoding
1, Don't embarrass The Empire It's your home treat it like one.
2, Dress properly and respectively
3, if you are given an outfit treat it with respect and wear it to meetings.
4, Do not disrespect the Empress, Emperor or The higher ups.
5, If you have rude comments keep it to yourself.
6, Any complaints? Please bring it to the Empress.
7, Be safe don't mess with other guilds such as blood rose.
8, Have fun
9, Relationships are allowed but ZERO drama.
10,(for the Emperor only) Don't embarrass the Empress.
12.younglings that break the rules will be sent to court (given three chances before hand)

These are the rules if you didn't notice but if you wish to know what this guild is about please follow these simple instructions.

1.Join the guild.
2.Go to forms
3. Look for "Elena's creation"

If this guild doesn't interest you, you may leave at any time.