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///The following was done by JealousyZealous, she is one of the contestants for the front page. If you like what she did, throw your two cents in to the contest page on the main forum, and hey enter yourself in as well, the prizes are over, but doesn't mean you can't participate! ^_^///

"Come, friend! Don't fall behind! We are almost there!"
"There? Where?" you ask, your voice sliding along the walls with your shadows.
"You'll see..." he calls.

You continue, walking cautiously down the tunnel towards the unknowable end. Your friend begins to pull away from you, his steps eager. He bears the torch. Don't let him get away! You must not be left in the dark! Oh wait! He's slowed! The end of the passage... It's nigh! Hurry! You must see it as well!! Look! It is a door! Not a wooden door. Nor a metal one. Yes, yes! A stone one!

'Stone?' you wonder silently. Yes! Perfect for preservation of course! 'Preservation? Of what?'

Come! You mustn't turn from this moment! Shall you dare enter? You are certainly not alone! See? There on the floor at you and your friend's feet? Footprints in the dust and sand! And behind! Do you hear the whispers? Fear not!! They are followers and leaders just like you! Come! You must hurry!! Your friend, he is urging you to come to his side. Do it! Do it now! I promise you, you shall not regret your decision!

Look! He is opening the door. Oh! And examine the door more thoroughly! Do you see it? Do you see the writing? Read it! Read it! What does it say??

'Brothers and sisters, protectors of power, those who vow to use what lies beyond to its full potential.'

What say you now? Too late! The door is open! Your friend has entered and you are not far behind, not wanting to be left in the dark...

The torch enters the room with you. Your shadow dances with your friend's. Dances over the dusty spines, the newly marked skins! Nay! Do not look away! But look forever closer! See? What is to be feared but the power of words, both written... And spoken! Run your hands along those worn spines declaring to those who dare look what can be accomplished only by those bold enough, strong enough.

Wait! There is yet another thing to see! In the middle of the room, standing as a sentry before yet another door... A book! An open book! But this one is only partially full! You slowly approach as does your friend. With hands like feathers, you turn the pages back and there at the beginning you see a familiar name. And you glance at your companion. His name. Already in the book? A smile blooms upon his face in the wavering torchlight. And you realize the meaning.

You turn back to the page you had initially seen. A pen lies nearby.

Now the true question... Shall you, oh protector of power, sign your name? Sign your name and join the many others before you? Join...

The Legion of Literates!

~Welcome to the Legion of Literates. Many if not all of us in this guild are literate, because we hold no fear to learning. Learning more and more, from books, teachers, mentors, and yes, even youngsters. We pick up helpful hints and lectures wherever we can. We love new blood, as new people always hold something new to learn from each other.

We ask for simple things, and one of those things is a small excerpt of your skills. AS stated before we love everyone, and everyone is equal. From the most literate to those who have yet to learn the wondrous talents of literacy. We help and orchestrate proper literacy within the English language. So all we ask if you wish to join this magnificent wonder, is a small show if you will of your talents. When you request to join, please enclose a good paragraph or more, as a sample of your abilities. There is however another catch. When you join, you must remain at least semi active, as we wish for this guild to partake amongst the most active of guilds on Gaia. We also wish to grow... that being said.. If you find that the character limit of 2000, is too restricting then send it to any of the guild moderators (mainly the Captain, Mortal Being) as I'm sure they will love to read it and monitor the decision of your request to join.

Thank you for reading, and please if you've any questions, seek out any of the guild members, as they will be only more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you have. *bows* Domo Arigato ^.^