The leaves rustle with disturbance as the cold winter breeze passes through, tickling the end of your nose. As you tighten your scarf, you continue onward, the crunch of snow following every footstep.

'Will I make it?,' you think to yourself. 'Will I make it out of the winter cold?.' Pushing yourself you continue your journey, knowing that to stop would most likely bring a frozen death.

As the sun begins to set, you feel the cold grip of death surrounds you. You need shelter, and fast, but there is nothing in site. Hope seems lost until you reach the top of the hill, where you see something out of a dream: a vast castle, its majestic beauty tranquilizing and, to a point, hypnotizing. Lost in awe, a sudden cold gust brings you back to reality.

You run to the door, only pausing to take in its ancient beauty. It takes what feels like hours to finally knock. As your hand collides with the door, you hear a hollow thud resound through the building. Barely a moment later, a woman opens the door, only poking out her head into the winter air. She has stunning blonde hair, eyes of crystal blue, soft porcelain skin and warm, friendly smile, something that is rare in these dark times. Still, despite her warth, it takes you some time before you summon up the strength to finally speak.

"Please... help," you plead, falling to the ground from the sheer exhaustion.

"You poor thing!" the woman shouts as she throws open the door and grabs hold of you. "Your journey must have been long and great. Please come rest your body and soul here." Gently pulling you up and into the castle, she aids you as the two of you walk back through the wall of warmth within. The smell of a feast reaches your nose, enticing you with wondrous scents. Your stomach goes wild for it, growling like a beast, which causes you to place a hand over your aching abdomen. It is clear to both you and the woman that you haven't eaten a decent meal in quite some time, so without a word, the woman quickens her pace.

Entering a comfortable room, the mysterious woman places you by the fire and brings you a plate of food. It takes all of your will to eat delicately as you remember your manners.

"Come now, you must be starving!" she tells you, smiling warmly. "There's no need for etiquette now. Eat, please!"

Staring into those sapphire eyes, you manage to give a little nod, stuffing the food into your face. Soon, more people arise from what appear to be the shadows. Perhaps they snuck in while you ate. Or perhaps there is something else about this castle that gives it that enigmatic air.

"Welcome," one of the men says calmly as the others simply stare and smile sweetly at you. "This is our guild home."

Your attention turns back to the beauty sitting next to you as you finally understand what it all was. "It is for those who seek an escape from everyday life; for those who like literate discussions and decent rolplays."

"Is it now?" you ask, taking another bite from the near-empty plate.

"Aye, it is!" calls another girl, this one having silver hair, from the back.

'Sounds interesting enough,' you think to yourself.

Our gratitude goes to Soryuju Ryutetsin for the wonderful story!

Welcome to:

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Welcome to the guild, if you read the little story there, that means you have some interest in the guild. For your information here are some of our Sub-Forums and a brief description.

-Fursona Academy - On the planet of Lunaire lives the Fursonians... a cat race, Create your character and embark on adventure all your own as you take this furry friend through life...and school! Will you make friends? Will you find a lover? Well that's something that Only time can tell...

-The Fallen- In every corner of every heart there lies a darkness. This darkness can be harnessed and released. As you travel through otherwordly things you will discover the darkness in your own heart. Join the vampires, lycans and other creatures that thrive in the night and rise... with The Fallen

-Unlikely Love- What happens when the creatures of the night, shunned by all, and their Hunters, loved by all, fall in love? Such is the case of this RP. The Hunters and the ones that thrive in the night have been falling in love. Many mortals pose the question: Is this good, or will the world still fall to the creatures they so badly want destroyed...Only time will tell

-Shinobi Missions - At this point in time The Shinobi will be using this subforum for their missions, they are here to help solve any quarrel or anything you have for them. Post a mission for them here. Thanks to Lady Tsunade of the Sannin. Who knows what this holds for us in the future...only time will tell. . Konoha The Village hidden in the Leaves

-Miscellaneous Rp's- Just as it's name states, This forum is for all of our Miscellaneous Roleplays, Such as A Draconic Tale a wonderful fantasy adventure roleplay with dragons and humans, Larousa is a simple chest on the oustide but holds a whole other world on the inside. Getting where you are now was a simple task...but getting back is one that you should not take lightly...Outbreak is a wonderful roleplay set in the city of Los Angeles; known across the world as a vibrant city, full of lights and celebrities, beautiful weather and friendly people. In the event of a worldwide zombie outbreak, places change but most of all people do. You are survivors. Possibly some of the only ones left in the city. What do you do? Fight? Stay home? After all, it's only a bad dream...right? Embark on this chilling adventure as you battle the undead...but are they what you should really fear? Or is it the desire to live within you and your companions you should really be afraid of?

-Writer's haven - A thread dedicated to you. Here we will help you with anything written...From writer's block to starting a story. Come here to give and ask for advice. .

and then of course we have our Crew Only forum, our Memorable Threads forum, and our General Discussion forum. There are definitely more to come but as I've said before...Only time will tell.


Well every guild has to have them, if not disorder and chaos will run the streets! Our rules are simple enough

1. Respect the wishes and rules set forth by our Captain Icey_Paradise.
2. Follow Gaia TOS, meaning keep the guild PG-13 or UNDER, If you find a calling to The R ratings please use PM's. Ther shall be NO R ratings coming from this guild. NONE! If I find anyone doing this, they will be banned!
3. Use only one post to state everything you wish to say and wait for others to have a say. Meaning dont post a sentence in one post and then finish it in another. Please say everything and wait for a response...don't respond to yourself. No Godmodding or controlling other characters please.
4. You must be on frequently in order to join. We can understand if you have something to do at times, but be around enough, or They will remove you.
5. The captain holds the right to add rules as she sees fit.
6. Last, but not least, have fun, and be nice to everyone else, this is here to have a good time, and increase your RPing skills.

Guild Captain and Vice Captain(s)

These are the most important people in the guild. Just a little introduction for you. They are funny, kind and great Rp'ers please treat them with respect.

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Icey_Paradise_______ Scorp985_____ Srettel Valore

Requesting to Join

Here's what we require, it's simple enough no?

Years role playing: Just put how long you've been rping here
Are you an active role player: are you on at least everyday? or most of the week?
A role play sample of a paragraph or more: this is just to determine wether or not your literate, if your a real roleplayer you will have no problem with this ^-^

please PM Icey_paradise with this information so she can approve you. Thank you.

[b]Years role playing:[/b][u] Just put how long you've been rping here[/u]
[b]Are you an active role player:[/b][u] are you on at least everyday? or most of the week?[/u]
[b]A role play sample of a paragraph or more:[/b][u] this is just to determine wether or not your literate, if your a real roleplayer you will have no problem with this ^-^ [/u]

Our Wondrous Captain

This is strictly a Role Play guild. Feel free to role play what you want, although, a couple of the role plays are what I have already thought of. You may join then, just do what the directions tell you to.

Right now, this might be a role play guild, but its call 'Only Time Will Tell' because that can change as we get bigger. ^^

Also, please don't join the guild and just disappear, plan to be active unless a good reason is provided.

You can Donate Directly to the guild using the form below.
You can donate directly to the guild mule by
clicking the symbol .[ยง].


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