Step into the corridor of St. Katherine's Orphanage, where the ordinary takes a backseat to the remarkable, and the mundane transforms into the extraordinary. Within the walls of this peculiar haven, children with extraordinary abilities find refuge, their powers woven into the very fabric of their daily lives. Vampires and werewolves, witches and warlocks, mutants of every persuasion, and freaks of all kinds have come to call these darkened halls their temporary home. From telekinesis to elemental control, from shape-shifting to teleportation, the air is charged with the energy of the inhabitants' remarkable talents. Some have haunted these halls forever, and others are only just arriving.

There are staff to run the facility and keep the children alive, but shortstaffing is a regular issue in a place like this. Most staff don't last very long. Some run for the hills upon meeting the children. Some are just as strange and chaotic as the youth whom they watch after. Over the years, many a groundskeeper and teacher have disappeared without any warning or closure.

Settled deep within the Evernight Woods where most humans dare not venture, the orphanage rests on enchanted grounds that it might be further hidden from the ever looming threat of humanity which strives only to exterminate the minority races that take asylum within St. Katherine's worn and ancient walls.

For those that call this place a home, the orphanage itself becomes a mysterious playground, hiding secret chambers and enchanted spaces that respond to the whims of these exceptional youngsters. Friendships are forged amidst the glow of moonlight, and alliances are tested as the children explore the depths of their own potential. As they unravel the mysteries of their origins and the purpose that binds them together, the orphanage becomes a stage for adventures that defy the limits of imagination.