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Stock from dazzle-stock and targetyousuf-stock.

Welcome to the Artifactual Roleplayers Guild!

We're not just any roleplayers guild, we're the roleplay guild for every literate man, woman, child, beast, faerie, pixie, witch, vampire, or anthropomorphic being out there. Not that we limit you to only those choices, those are just a taste of the many things you can choose to be in the roleplaying fora of ARG. Here at ARG, we'll take you as you are, and let you roleplay as whatever you want to be. Start your own roleplay or join someone else's, just as long as you have fun with it!

How to Join ARG

Well, to start, both bluberry_mist and Albino Raccoon recommend that you read the rules before you apply. If you cannot abide by these rules, the moderators will not abide by you, and will kick you out.

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