Advent Soul

To you must send a rp sample and tell why you want to join

* You can run your own kingdom as a king/queen
* You can travel in search of the ultimate power
* Start up a team and travel the globe looking for a fight
* Join the Aizen and try and take over the world
* Travel the world fighting everyone trying to become stronger
* Live your dream life of having a gorgeous wife and two beautiful children living in a big house with a two car garage
* The possibilities are endless...
This is a story that was written at the beginning of time itself and continues until the end of it.. The Creator of all created Light and Darkness to keep a watchful eye on all life forms and make sure no one being grew enraged with power and threw off the natural flow of things so this simulated a simple check and balances system which was greatly flawed but no one noticed up until 100,000 years later when this peacefulness ended. The vile and wicked race of Aizens invaded our peace and their power was so immense that we couldn’t take them alone we needed extra power but it seemed as though their sword skills and dark powers where too much to handle themselves and we thought they couldn’t get any stronger.....we were wrong.

They found the Eterna Swords hidden by our ancestors thousands of years before because of their immense power. They were nine swords that possessed the power to manipulate one of the nine elemental powers that the Nine Royals (or The Nine Immortals used interchangeably) had possessed that helped to create our world. The Aizens luckily only found two of the nine swords but unluckily for us they were the two most powerful the Light and Darkness swords those two swords were the key balance that kept our world in sync but since they had those swords they started corrupting them with evil, for neither sword was evil, but luckily there was one hero brave and strong enough to take the sword of light back without corrupting it because he was pure of heart. When he did take the sword their leader Oujou became what we humans feared mad with immense power and because he had the darkness sword it to became powerful, enraged, and evil. Oujou wasn’t use to this kind of power so he went mad with power and dubbed himself The King of Darkness.

This power was immense and uncontrollable. Oujou soon after became what we knew would end our Immortal. So now there was no killing The King of Darkness even if we were stronger than him he could not die so that left only one left and that was the wielder of the Sword of Light the nameless hero who rescued the sword of light, dubbed Hero, battled him this battle took eight days for Hero had found all seven of the other swords giving him eight swords for each new day that passed Hero used a different Eterna Sword that all lead up to the eighth day when Hero used the sword of light and defeated him but knowing that he was an Immortal there was no killing him so the only thing that he could do was seal him inside of the darkness sword itself corrupting it even more and from that day forth the Aizens went back to their homelands awaiting the arrival of their leader.

The sword of darkness remained on our continent forever corrupted and evil and Oujou still remained trapped inside the sword slowly taking over whoever touched it making them slowly lose their minds to him until when he finally takes over their body and is brought out of the sword and comes back to the world which could be the end of the world as we know it. But of course this is just a story and who knows if any of it is true, the only one who could possibly tell you if this is true or not is The King of Darkness himself but the only way for him to tell you is to try and release him one wants that.

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