Welcome! The Union Awaits!
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Greetings! Welcome to the Nintendo Gaming Union! What is the Nintendo Gaming Union, you ask? The Union is GaiaOnline’s premier hang-out for Nintendo gamers and fans, alike. This guild acts as an exclusive network for all things about or related to Nintendo. From the latest news and updates, to setting up an online Pokemon match, we have you covered! We try our hardest to supply our members with everything they need to enhance their video game experiences and interactions within the Nintendo community.

Currently, we offer a community-run Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Directory. With this, every member is free to post any number of Friend Codes for their various games, thus making it easier to quickly link up with friends for any sort of online activity. We try our best to keep it as up-to-date as possible, so that no miscommunications are present. We also offer some non-game related services, such as a Role-Player Subforum where you can participate in series-related Role-Plays (which follow the guidelines set forth by GaiaOnline). As we grow, we hope to offer services that the entire Union can enjoy and share.

Does it sound exciting? Want to join? Then by all means, go right ahead. There is just ONE catch. You MUST read the rules listed below, as you are expected to follow them. Good days to all and happy gaming!


Spes Unus

Guild Founder and Captain

Last Updated: 05/08/2010



Our rules are simple.

-Treat your fellow gamers with courtesy and respect.
-We are not here to insult any other company or system. If you have those kinds of remarks, then keep them to yourself.
-No Spamming/Flaming.
-Please keep cursing to a minimum.
-Read the rules for the individual Sub-Forums. They are there for a reason!
-Upon submitting a ‘Join’ request, please end the request with the phrase, “It’s me… *Insert YOUR Username in place of this*”. Thus, we better ensure that you looked at the rules.
-Enjoy yourself.


Please pay attention for any announcements on the "News Page" of the Main Forum or any announcements.

And feel free to show off the Guild with these lovely pictures!

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