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Hi! You must have stumbled upon this lovely guild.
You’re probably wondering, “Pickle Jell-O? WTF is that?”
Simperson is the creator of Pickle Jell-O.
One day in gym class, me and my friends were randomly shouting out our favorite foods.
One of my friends suggested I go and try to make my famous Pickle Jell-O to eat.
Turns out, it was a big success with me and all of my friends.
Anyways, Pickle Jell-O is a guild where you can do pretty much anything. (Following the TOS of course)
Pickle Jell-O is a unique creation that I made.
This guild is for unique people. Individuality is a requirement to join. We treat everyone equally here because we are ALL unique.
Some people may not show it, and that’s okay.
But each of has a uniqueness that shows our talents. Maybe you’re excellent at role playing.
Maybe you’re the best drummer in your school.
Maybe you can make me laugh my a** off.
Perhaps you don’t even know how you are unique, and that’s okay too. That’s where this guild comes in.
We are here to help you find your inner weirdo, rocker, comedian, whatever tickles your peach.
All you have to do is press that little ‘Join Guild’ button!

Below is the application you need to fill out when joining the guild in order to be accepted.
Please answer them honestly!

Gaian Age
How did you find out about this guild?
How are you unique?
What are your interests/hobbies?
Additional Information

Have FUN, and remember to eat Pickle Jell-O!