So, your a kid who's either just moved into this Suburb off the side of New York City or has been living there for a long period of time. This little town is called Eclipsia. It's a normal little Suburb town that like many has a College(high, middle and elemetry), has a good sized mall, a movie theater, a skating rink, a skate park, two play parks, baseball park, a hospital, a wall-mart, and other little stores. It's also next to the ocean.
But the weird thing about this place is that there are unusual characters. Characters with powers, Characters without powers. You can choose the be one of the few who does have powers and faces the task of hiding your powers, or one of the many who don't and maybe be a follower of people who think the beings with powers shouldn't be here.
But if you are one of those few who does, your goal was to keep your powers secret because you heard the last time someone was detected different, they were never seen in town again, announced missing.

~What you will need for your character's profile~

Name(full name):
Age(12 to 20):
School(and grade number):
Job(do you have one or want one?):
Biography(so far in their life, if they have powers when did they discover them, or haven't they discovered them yet?):
Power(If you have one):
Apperance(or picture):

~What you will need for your character's profile if your a teacher~
Name(full name):
Age(21 to 40):
School(and grade number and what you teach):
Biography(so far in their life, if they have powers when did they discover them, or haven't they discovered them yet?):
Power(If you have one):
Apperance(or picture):

1.No monster roleplaying (no killing other characters, minimum killing of people--your trying to HIDE your powers)
2.No indestructable characters (I know it's tempting but it's not fair. I've done my characters that I'm not proud of because I've gone over the edge. Learn not to.)
3.Listen to the people who are above your level, like myself the moderator.
4.No more than three characters.
5.Don't create fourms in roleplaying unless you have permission from myself.
6.Keep everything PG-13 (I'd rather not have the guild shut down)

Now. Just to make sure you have read the rules and EVERYTHING eles, put your request to join the profile of ONE character. And put Vintage at the top of your request to join.

K? Happy RolePlaying!