* Parents please note that this is a PG-13 guild. We warn you this, We are not responsible for your child or his/her learning or their preceiving of these things. WE HAVE WARNED YOU. Besides, we hardly ever do anything over a PG level. Have a nice Day!

MEGAMAN NT LEGENDS is about CAPCOM's, a well known 3rd party game designing company, well known series of Megaman, Street fighter, and Darkstalkers. We have a role play going on Right now based off the Battle Network series.

Role Plays:
//> .Exe [ORP] -is set during the Cyber Revolution of the year 200X, where all technology is linked to a central computer system. Citizens of DenTech City interface with this network using their personal "NetNavis" (Net Navigators) via their Personal Terminals (P.E.Ts). Each NetNavi possesses characteristics and traits like its owner, but also includes enhanced technological powers.

This exciting, futuristic anime-adventure follows the discoveries and exploits of a orphan boy named Nike, who with the help of his NetNavi and friends, plans to help save the land.

It seems that an evil has risen from the deepest reaches of the Internet. Corrupting all that get in its way. Who or what will help Nike and his friends to defeat this evil? Will it be you or one of his friends? Or will you destroy them?


There are some simple rules that need to be followed to provide a fun and efficient gaming environment for all. Some delinquent behavior will cause an immediate ban so just follow the rules. They aren't difficult at all, so just follow them and guarantee a long-term membership of the guild.

1. Cybering: Anybody found doing this would be immediately banned. Keep your libido away from this guild! Mild flirting is different of course.
2. Bumping: Bumping will be reserved only for special format to do so.
3. Activity: Stay active and make sure that you post at least once a month, preferably more or prepare to be banned.
4. Legibility: Nune of his ((EX: this is as bset weneed want))
5. Harassment: Do not harass people over character choices being taken or other related situations. If done so, the moderators and I will be very "put out" and may go through steps to prevent this annoying behavior. Go cry to your mama if you have this problem.
6. God-modding: This is annoying because it overshadows other player's capabilities, so just don't do it.
7. Be Courteous: Make sure that you are considerate of the feelings of others. Keep the obscenities to a minimum and don't be a Donkey. If you are found to be ignoring this rule, the crew will deal with you appropriately.
8. Cussing- don't do it alot, I know your at least 13 or older or that but using it just makes you look immature.

Terms of Service:


You here by requesting, and being accepted, are responsible for yourself and actions. If you happen to break one of the rules you have accepted to being ban or suspended; depending on what you did and the damage. If you are caught by another guild captain or me plagiarizing/coping somebody else’s Navi & Op bio, Artwork, Plot of the role plays, or any similar to the above stated are also accepting of banment from both the guild and/or Gaiaonline.com depending on what you did.

*If you happen to be another captain from another guild and see somebody else is copying stuff and adding it to this guild or your guild, Please report it to me and I’ll see what I can do and get information and such.


How to Join

There are several methods for writing your application.

Method #1: When you apply, type up your character idea. It has to be unique and plagiarism is considered to be incredibly tacky. You have a brain, so use it. Have some confidence. ((also note that I do not save your profile by this means so if you want to use it save it on your own time.))

Method #2: When you apply, tell us about your role-playing skills.

Method #3: When you apply, tell us why you want to join.


These are pretty simple methods of applying and most applications will be accepted so don't feel that you need to write a thesis or novel. Hehe!

After Joining
After you join, make sure that you post your character details in the appropriate format within the right thread. Make sure that you peruse all of the sticking threads and familiarize yourself with the announcement threads. By doing this, you will be guaranteed a more smooth guild experience. And remember to have fun.


1. Is this guild’s Role play any good?
A. Depends.....

2.Can I, Another guild captain, use any Artwork/ Information from your guild?
A. You can as long as you give my guild credit and also the original place where I got the credit. All the credit has to be is like “credit goes to NT Legends and Wobble world.com”

3. May I make a shop in your guild like that other user?
A. You may but with my permission and also you must deliver what you promise. If you take the money and leave with out giving the buyer a thing I will hunt you down *ROAR*

4. May I affiliate my guild with your’s?
A. 1.) Be a member in my guild. 2.) Prove to me that you are trustworthy.


Please when donating don’t use the feature below. Simply send any donation to the captain.