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User ImageUser ImageWe are having a look on animes,brong ones that have never been watched or seen, so we just need to start talking about them. More rps to be started and post as much as we can. ^.^User Image
User ImageNew things to talk about and new videos to be posted. Anybody that thinks that the video they saw on youtube or anywhere else was good. Feel free to post them, but no spaming the video forum with other stuff other than talking about the videos.User ImageUser Image

User ImageUser ImageContests for gold anywhere from 1000 to 20,000. All the contest will be over art work and first 50 to sign up for each one will be in the contest. voters will look over whos picture is better and will vote on it. Who ever has the highest votes. In First can get a prize of 10k to 20k and 2nd place 5k to 10k and for 3rd 2000. Those that were in the first 20 after them will each get 200 each for takening part in the contest. Many other contest will be open for lots of people so dont worrie everyone will get their own chance to win something ^.^User Image

User ImageNew Forms for dedates over which anime is best and more to talk about, are guild is about to see a new light so it can grow with all the new animes out there. ^.^User ImageUser Image

User Image User ImageAnd we love new ideas to help us make this guild even bigger so lots of ideas would be helpful, plz and thank youUser Image

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Ranking system
I have been thinking
and i think i finally got the
ranking system,the way that
everyone will understand it.

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Anime White Mage = 200 Posts
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Furi Kuri Rocker = 350 Posts
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Anime Black Mage = 750 Posts
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Anime Reaper = 1250 Posts
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Anime Red Mage = 2000 Posts
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Twisted Anime Fan = 3000 Posts
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Anime Crackhead = 4000 Posts
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