A guild dedicated to the Akatsuki. ANTI-SASUKE!

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2.) No romance/yaoi. For Dei's sake.
3.) Please actually KNOW what Akatsuki is before joining... please...
4.) It might be a good idea if you can name all the members.
5.) NO. FLAMING. *unless it's Sasuke... or Cloud.... and various other exceptions*
7.) RPs ARE allowed... but don't overdo it.
8.) No meaningless reports...
9.) HAVE FU~UN!!!! *heh-heh... un...*
10.) No making Dei go into the emo corner/shower. You'll know what we mean.

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O.K. Everyone out there willing to join, we arent just about Naruto. It can be any anime you and another likes. You would keep it around to yourself, you can start your own forum topics, and you can talk about any anime you want there. Remember though its still Akatsuki based. So it would be nice if we could still keep our forums about the Akatsuki!! ^o^

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Ok, this is not the kind of guild that would have you give us your name and stuff, we really don't care how old you are, or what your name is. This guild is here to have fun, and.... I really hate guilds that make you give them that stuff, cause, like I'm EVER gonna give some random person I don't know my name. So please, if you could just keep that stuff out of the request. If you could add in however, why you like the Akatsuki, and who is your favorite member. Stuff like that we want, not all of the things you really should keep to yourself.... and don't put "cause im the coolest person in the world" and no noob talk. I mean, if youre new, we MIGHT let you in. But if youre reason is like "i want 2 get in casue im in love with the akatatsuki" Just so you know, I don't really type like that, I really don't want to go through like 5 reasons of that, that gets REALLY annoying after awhile. We don't ask for much, but just make sure your request isnt like "HI" or something really stupid like that.... PLEASE!!