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For Soon Our Guild Shall Take Over Gaia Then The World!!!!
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Please take a moment to review and understand these rules detailed below. They are not here to keep you from having fun, but to make sure that order is maintained on this board.

Spelling And Grammar
I actually dont mind this that much seeing as i talk like with text's allot myself so things like g2g, lol, rofl, lmfao, and ttyl are okay to post.

Flaming, nastyness towards other members. Images used for the purpose of insulting (as such "owned!" images, etc) are allowed in posts. Do not start flame wars or get involved in them. No starting fights or bringing fights into this forum. Harrassing and/or flaming another member via PM's is also not allowed and result in your ability to use the PM center revolked temporarly. Learn to respect other people’s opinions no matter how much they may differ from yours. If you disagree with anothers opinion, then please feel free to explain your side in an appropriate manner.

Politics And Religion
Avoid politics and religion discussion as much as possible, for it can cause flame wars. Pro religious and political banners can only be in the interests area of your user profile and not in your signature.

Personal Communication
Keep anything that is between you and another person personal. Do not make a topic that is for a certain person to read, keep it to PM's.

Using the Board as a Blog
This board is not a Blog site and we would like to keep it that way. Advice from others can be a good thing if it is done WISELY.

Regarding Personal Issues With Another Member
Keep peronal issues, including fights, off the board. If you have a personal issue with another member, keep it to PM's or IM's.

Multiple Posting
Multiple posting is also not allowed. Use the Edit button if you need to add something. If you happen to make a double post, please click the report button to notify a staff member so they may delete the post.

Being Made Mod Or Admin
Do not ask to be made a moderator or Administrator. Moderators and Administrators are appointed by the discretion of the staff. If you ask to become a moderator or Administrator then you will not become one.

Inappropriate Images And Language
No inappropriate images or language. Please censor any and all inappropriate content. Keep all of your posts clean. Furthest allowed in images is kissing/cuddling.