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Cosmic Era 15...
As the world famous George Gleen leaves on an exploration to the Jovian planet, he leaves with a confession that he is not a regular human. In hopes of world peace, and the pursuit of man to become great, he transfers data necessary for the process of humans to become Coordinators. Although his intentions were good, the result of this existence of Coordinators made the world confused and enraged, leading the world to develop such organizations as Blue Cosmos.

As the time pass and the return of George Gleen with Evidence 01, many more Coordinators were born, but with the rise of the Coordinators population, the more hatred to them were fueled. In the vastness of space, several colonies are being made. 29 years after the confession, the colony cluster later known as Aprilius is constructed and operational.

In the number of millions, Coordinators are going to space to get away from the violence. 38 years after his confession, George Gleen is assassinated by the Blue Cosmos, and many more Coordinators are subjected to terrorism. Two figure arises in this turmoil: Siegel Clyne and Patrick Zala. These two close friends lead a revolution for the PLANTs to become autonomous to the Earth’s Federations.

It is now year 70 of the Cosmic Era...
On February 5th, in a UN meeting at the Lunar City Copernicus, a terrorist attack killed all of the UN’s leaders and head figures. The world is now in chaos. War is eminent. Can you survive the turmoil ahead?

Welcome to all those who are visiting this guild. Please take a look inside to see if you like what you see. Before you join this guild, please understand the following:

1.) You will be an original character. You cannot be Kira, or Athrun, or anyone else famous (and believe me, I have followed the CE timeline well enough to know who is who).
2.) Literate is a good thing. If you submit a request with internet chat lingo, my moderator team and I will insta-deny you.
3.) You will follow my, as well as my moderator teams instructions as GM instructions. Failure to comply will just make it tougher for you.
4.) Very unlikely that you will operate FREEDOM and JUSTICE. Do not ask.
5.) If you join, you are committed to stay active. Failing to do so will get you banned from the guild.

If you do not understand something, please PM me or Rashoumon. We will be glad to answer your questions.

If you think you are up for the challenge, submit your request with the following>
your Gaia name:
your RP name:
Faction you would like to join:
such examples of factions>
>Earth Alliance
>Junk Guild
>Serpent Tail/mercenary

benefit joining a major group> you can RP right away
downside to joining minor> gaining experience is harder

Why do you want to join this Guild:
Have you glanced over the How to Guide in this guild thread:
If so, answer this question> How many entries have I NOT finished typing yet?

Show me what you got! Complete this scenario!

Three mobile suit are approaching you! You have no idea what the numbers are, but one is approaching you. All the sudden, the front mobile suit breaks away and there lies another one, a beam rifle aimed right at you. The mobile suit that broke away has a bazooka launcher aimed at you. They both fire simultaneously.

Your MS is ambiguous. You have a beam saber and a beam rifle ready for use. Continue the RP.

Thank you for looking at this guild
have a nice day
owned by Varlien

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