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    Welcome to Bleach Roots of Soul Society, a guild based on TV Tokyo the second most successful anime and created by the owner and creator of The Way of the Ninja, the most successful Naruto role-playing guild in Gaia Online and maybe the most successful Naruto role-playing community in the net. This guild storyline is based on the original anime however it takes place at the dawn of the Soul Society, meaning many forsaken clans are still with us and many other are still not even born. This also means than besides Yamamoto Genryuusai the original cast will never make an appearance in this guild.

    To join this guild is very important that you read the whole main page and fill the request to join form located near the end of this front page. Thank you for your time and we hope to see you in the inside soon.

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    Guild Basic Story:

    Is the dawn of a new chapter in the history of Soul Society. Along the tongues of mortals many rumors arise, some speak of an afterlife; some speak of monsters that devour the very essence of life, while other curse their unfortunate eye that can see their loved ones walk a restless path. Hope, balance, peace…those are things that no longer exist for us who walk the along the living in our fleshless bodies as souls. But not all rumors are bad, for centuries other tongues speak of butterflies that on their wings carry light and hope, with them warriors with black robes and shapeless sword come. These warriors of hope are called the Shinigami. Restless and fearless warriors that in their sword carry the judgment of a non existent god.

    Soul Society, that’s the name of the place were we shall finally find peace and endless rest. Some call this place the afterlife, some other prefer to call it the purgatory, while some other just call it home. Is from this place that shinigami, the warriors in black robes come, selected souls trained on the shinigami academy funded by Yamamoto Genryuusai. During four long years these souls learn the great arts of combat to one day wield their swords for their dreams, for justice and over all for us the ones who can see those masked demons that our loved ones devour.

    However in a world where good exist, evil is also bound to exist like the two sides of the same coin, like watching oneself in a mirror the soul society also has a counter part called the Hueco Mundo, is from this desolated world of nothingness than the white masked demons come. For centuries the real appearance of Hueco Mundo has reminded as a complete mystery for those who walk the path of the shinigami. Is for this very reason that shinigami have never been able to precisely determine when or where those masked demons while strike.

    Is for this reason that Yamamoto Genryuusai the eldest and strongest shinigami in all Soul Society has decided to implant a new and more organized military order in Soul Society, by dividing soul society forces into thirteen protection squads, each with it’s own area of expertise the old shinigami plans to bring balance to this chaotic world of us as well as protecting our very after life rest place. You might become part of these squads and leave your name carved in the history of Soul Society as a defender of good, as a traitor or as the very essence of evil, only you can decide your path only you can shape our world.

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    What can you expect from us?

  • A guild in the one your training makes you surpasses even the elite.
  • Battle system based on d20, created by Kenkaru owner of "The Way of the Ninja"
  • Rank climbing system where everyone has equal chances of obtaining the Captain rank.
  • Plots and stories to keep your a** glued to your chair.
  • Complete character customization to put your imagination to test.
  • Anime and manga information have been adapted completely to this guild storyline.
  • Constant updates, this guild is always alive and always improving.
  • Democracy. This is our guild so everyones opinion counts.
  • Vast number of careers to customize your character to your liking.

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    What do we expect from you?

  • That the rules be followed at all times.
  • Full understanding of the game system.
  • Originality and the desire to improve.
  • That one liners be kept to a bare minimum, preferably not used at all.
  • No god-moding during the course of role-play.
  • A decent amount of activity in the forums.
  • Understanding that no one will be playing any canon characters from the series, manga, movie, or otherwise.

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    When you request to join please add the following information to your registration form:

  • How much you know about Bleach.
  • What type of character you want to place (Shinigami, Hollow, Ryoka, Quincy, etc)
  • A small RP example so we know your skills/literacy level.

    Proper Join Request Example

    I know quite a bit about Bleach. I have watched the entire series, from start, to the current episode, and have also reviewed the manga. If allowed to join, I would like to become a Ryoka, or perhaps a Shinigami. RP Sample: The boy stood poised in the middle of the street, one hand thrust forward, as his finger followed the movement of a figure he could only half see. "What.. what is that?" In the distance, the picture was less clear to him, but it was obvious something was happening. No more than ten to twenty feet away from him, a shinigami and a hollow were locked in fierce battle. Blade met teeth, sweeping claw, and the shinigami was knocked backward, as the hollow moved forward to tackle the female shinigami to the ground. The battle was getting more fierce, and in terror, the young man continued to back away, pointing, as the street impacted in a crater the size of a mini-van, where the shinigami made impact before shoving off the ground, it's zanpakuto dominating, as it cut into the milky white mask, and the hollow rippled, before fading away. Panting, the shinigami stood to catch it's breath, before turning. Dammit, had the young man seen? A quick movement, and the shinigami was gone, shunpo carrying her away from the site of battle.

    Notice: Copying the above RP sample, or join request, in any fashion, will not only prevent you from entering the guild now, but your name will be placed on a list, and you will never be admitted here.

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