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Miscellaneous magic and the other supernatural tidbits are un-known in most of the world, though there is a tiny percentage of mortals who are aware of it's true existence. Of these few, a majority live here. The magical world cannot really expose itself due to the unrest it would cause world-wide and the fear that would ensue. But of course, there are always some who either want to be in the spotlight or those who want the truth known for it's own sake.

Description of the Metropolis- Many sky-scrapers are scattered about the area, but unlike in most cities, they are not clustered together. This gives the city the appearance of being broader than it actually is.
The main city of Dollet is closest to the shore and has a booming shipping-based industry. It's wealthy in its industry and though the cost of living is high, it is considered the most successful and promising cities in the state to live in. Sort of the "perfect" city as it were. There is crime, but it's a low rate and usually taken care of quickly. Dollet tries to help Trabia as much as it can but there is little they can truly do without it falling into questionable moral bounds.
To the south-east is a smaller city, called Wayren, that has no truly distinguishing features, but is considered by many of the middle class to be the place where the wealthy spend most of their time. There's no specific reason for this though, just gossip.
To the north-east of the main city is another sister city, Trabia, though this one has fallen from grace slightly, falling apart due to the fact that most illegal activities happen within its limits. It is easily the poorest of the 3 cities, though you wouldn't know by looking at it. It is clean, and looks presentable to most passer-by. (Crime rate isn't worse than New York's, it's just more noticeable because it's smaller)