A private guild led by SionOfWar, we strive to obtain gold through the marketplace through guild efforts and shared knowledge.

This guild may have a simple exterior, but inside the real magic goes on. We develope strategies to get rich effectively off the marketplace, and discuss the prices of certain items.

Please give some information, including but not limited to:

Why do you want to join the guild?
How much estimated money are you worth?
Are you practiced in the marketplace?
How can you contribute to the guild?

NOTE: Don't donate to the guild's subforums. If you want to donate to the guild, send a request to "SionOfWar". This way, the guild can use donations for more then new topics.

IF YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED: It may have been because you have not posted in our guild and we did a routine cleanup of inactive members. If this is the case and you want back in, send SionOfWar a private message and he'll see what he can do.