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Welcome to Our Internet Family!

Here at Our Internet Family (or OIF for short) we invite all to come roleplay in a Japanese family setting. Each member is given a family role and uses a pre-existing anime/manga/video game character to loosely base their new character on. Through roleplay, the various members interact with each other to spawn new relationships, be it best friends or mortal enemies. Not all of the family members are human however, nor are they all blood-related, so chances are some interesting things may happen as time goes on~

Other than roleplay, we at OIF are also active in manga/anime/video game reviews and talking about other random subjects. So take a peek inside and if you like what you see send us an invite request, we don't bite...much. (Note: our guild has a 100g entry fee!)

Disclaimer: Though we are an active roleplay guild, not every member is an experienced writer. Please understand that everyone is at a different level and that some may not roleplay as well as others. This being said we would like to keep things as literate as possible, but we will understand if you have trouble with that. (133T speak is not appreciated or tolerated.)

+ Read all of these rules and let them sink in a little while. If you have any questions, ask one of the crew, vice captains, or our fearless leader, SimpleFlower. (Take into consideration how important the question is before PMing one of the higher-ranking members though! Maybe our FAQ thread will have the answer?)

+ Before anything, remember that you agreed to the Gaia T.O.S. and those rules still apply here. Any violations will be reported.

+ Please be respectful everyone in the guild! What we are asking here is not hard, folks. We would like to prevent as much drama (outside of roleplays~ hehe) as possible alright? This should go without saying that you should not flame people, nor criticize anyone's roleplay skill unless they are asking your opinion.

+ Follow each individual thread's rules. Some threads might have specific rules you may have to follow. Please look out for those and obey them!

+ The anime/manga/video game character you choose to base your roleplay character on will have certain influences on what you can and cannot do. (EXAMPLE: If you base your character around the anime/manga character Ranma, then your name must be "Ranma", your marriage will be arranged, you will be able to change genders, and you will have outstanding martial arts skills. You will NOT be able to cast spells, or use earthquake.) However, the character you choose will not change your roleplay personality completely. Rather, it should blend with your own personality.

+ Instead of gaiaonline emoticons ( mrgreen smile confused ) we want you to use pictures of the anime character you have chosen to base yourself on. So, if you have chosen Ranma, then you will express emotion through pictures of Ranma. Please keep the pictures small though (under 500x500). Every time you stretch a page, an angel looses it's wings.