In a land, not far in Barton, there was a place. Seriene, peaceful, everything here was
enjoyable to the Gaian people. Until he came to town. His eyes glowing white; his mouth
dripping with druel; and claws, sharp as nails. Eager for just a small taste of Gaian
flesh tempted the beast to pilledge the town. But being only one animal, he was grossely
out wouldnt take long to be hunted down like the beast he was if anyone
found out. "One little taste," he thought; "just one little taste!" Temptations drove
him crazy as he leaped out from behind a bush; startling everyone in sight with fear. In
a sort of panic Gaians there was mixes of confusion, fear, and panic.
All it took was a single scratch on the most opposite person in town. A caring person who could not imagine
causing harm to anyone, was struck by its veminous claw. Having no choice but to work with
the beast she kindly gave it the name, Lycan. A latin word that means, Werewolf. Having
enjoyed this careless mistake, he looks for more, to help him grow an army. But every army,
takes time to grow. The only way to make more quickly, is for the Lycan to transform fully;
then they can make more.

That is, unless the Vampires attack....then they will be no more.

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1) no one can bite other ppl until they r fully regenerated into a adult become one..u must have equipt a head piece, a snout, a tail, feet, and arms....otherwise, u r only a pup.

1A) When a adult member bites (otherthen the queen or capt) it must be reported who u bite to the Queen so that she may be notified of what is going on (who is in or out).

2) MOST IMPORTANT We do not allow ANY TYPE of CYBERING in our club! If u r caught doing so, U WILL BE KICKED OUT! (Or hunted down by the rest of pack).


-Savanadream (Queen)
-Silver (Admirable/Captain)
-Rightous Chops (2nd in command)

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