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Welcome to Our Asylum. As you can probably tell by our name, we are crazy, just not in a psycho way. We like having the freedom to be who we are. We like being able to act however we want, talk however we want, and do whatever we want. So, we created Our Asylum. You'll find all sorts of people here, like poetic fanatics(hey, that kinda rhymed!), role players, artists, jokers, sci-fi geeks, music lovers, people from all walks of life. If you've been looking and looking for a guild to join, and just haven't found one where you seem to fit in, or they just didn't seem to accept you, then the Asylum is the perfect place to go. We here at Our Asylum accept you for who you are, so don't pretend to be something you're not.

Enjoy your stay at Our Asylum. *crazy laugh*