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<i><b>Announcement:</b> The "limited time only" free membership thing ended up lasting over a year, so why mess with a good thing? Membership will <u>always</u> be free from here on out. </i>

Are you tired of fangirls ruining your well thought-out threads?

Does it sicken you to hear people cheapening actors and movies by raving about nothing but a celebrity's appearance?

Has it come to the point that you would rather gouge your eyes out than read one more horribly misspelled word?

If you answer yes to one or more of the previous questions, this guild is for you!

We are a tight-knit group of Gaians bound together by our disgust with fangirls and fangirl behaviour. In addition to our fangirl-related conversations, we also discuss anything and everything, from paranormal activity to anime translations.

We have only one basic ground rule, and that is that you <i>must</i> type in proper English. We won't jump down your throat if you make the occasional spelling mistake, but no TyPiNg LyK DiS, and for the love of all that is good and holy, capitalize and punctuate your sentences.

When you send in a request to join, please enter a brief sentence or two explaining why you dislike fangirls or why you wish to be a member. Keep in mind that your spelling and grammar are being examined.

If you have any questions or wish to suggest anything guild related, please feel free to PM the following Gaians:

<b>Guild Captain:</b>

<b>Vice Captain</b>
