This guild has been made especially for the few writers who are interested in our new series of novels. So far, they are military fiction, such as World War II, Vietnam, and eventually some military sci-fi or space opera types of writing.

This guild is exclusive, and we will not let just anyone in. And, no, we are not an elitist literate group, or anything like that. We're looking for dedicated people who can write, like to write, and are interested in our topic. Please keep checking in with us, because new projects will be popping up over time.

Our writing is not consisting of a long, literate roleplay we put together, as some 'writing' groups I've seen are. A bunch of people writing long posts but going with the flow of the story are, in my opinion, roleplaying, not writing. Our stories have true plot lines set down before we begin to write, and will be worked through as a group, not individuals.

Right now, our current project is a World War II novel. Other than that, we have very little information to show to you, but we will keep you posted.

If you would like to join, please send Velkyn Faer (the guild's leader) a pm with why you would like to join, which project you would like to join, and a sample of your writing. (At least a page long.) It can be any type of writing, but preferably something in the genre of what the project is.