Hello there! My name is Nikki and I own this fantastic guild. I've been doing some renovations around here lately, so I hope you all don't mind the clutter. I'm hoping to get this guild back up and running. I know that I purchased it for quite a bit of gold, so I may as well get some use out of it.

First of all, if you want to know more about what is going to be offered, there will be sections devoted to all types of art. I will offer up some resources for you to check out some bands and artists and whatnot that I think is worth checking out, and if you want you can always pm me info about your band if you want to work on that as well.

Here is some of what is up right now:
-Forums for art discussion
-Information about local and big bands
-Information about artists that I know about and some that you guys turned me onto
-Debates and discussions about whatever you want to think about
-Maybe some chatterbox stuff