A Modern Times Fantasy RP Guild
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Darkness, Chaos, Madness, Panic, these are the plague of mankind in this age. In a world where the darkest of dreams are made flesh, and the remnants of imagination have returned to the world and changed the way we will look upon it forever. No longer are our legends and myths amusing stories we teach our children, now they are the living reality... and we were caught unprepared. For most, the border between good and evil is a gray line... if it exists at all. However, there are a select few that fight to remove the blur and bring an end to the chaos, to make this world livable for not one, but all, and bring a end to the river of blood flowing through the streets. However their numbers are few and there tactics are... somewhat unorthodox. These are not your glorious heros of old Fables and Legends, but a band of fighters that use darkness to combat darkness, a mix of the high and the low, the noble knight and the common thief, soldier to mercenary. They come from all walks of life and fight only to ensure there is a tomorrow to fight for. Together as one against the hordes that would destroy us all they stand, to fight for those who can not, to die for those who can barely live, to be the sacrifice for all. For some, it is just another fight, for them, it is an endless war, bringing the light to chase away the darkness. They stalk the shadows, hiding within that shadow, lest they be mistaken for that which they hunt. Ever vigilant, Ever present, the Shadow Hunters.

Relax at our Tavern
TSH Drunken Dragon Tavern

All Existing Popular Culture Characters that one may choose to play will be based on their most updated version, presuming they never died. As always, the Guild Founder, Lanyx, would appreciate it more if players were to create their own character, but has no issue with a person playing their favorite game/movie/manga/popular culture character Providing there is no more than ONE in the TSH Family of Guilds.

This is an Equal opportunity guild. No applicant/member shall be discriminated against for Race, Religion, Political Views, Sex, Occupation, or anything else, be they real or based in Fantasy. Remember flaming is bad, and will be prosecuted within the guild, to the fullest extent of our Abilities.