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FG4PG Founder

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FG-4-PG Was made by Sakura-Kyoukan, now playing as SakuChwan, he was a poor man who had a dream of making as much gold as quickly as he could. This guild is his achievement.

I hope that we can help you advance your goals and finish those wishlists. Or if you just have a gambling problem... But don't think this guild is ONLY for the poor, if you are rich and wish to help out more unfortunate souls, you are welcome as well.

FG4PG Captain

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Rydia-Beck aka Lillea

FG4PG Vice Captains

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tab AaronAlroy tab tab Angelic_Highlights tab tab SakuChwan

FG4PG Crew

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Angie Moo tab tab TheBlueWarrior tab tab Midori Hayashi

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Goddess Ace tab tab WasteLandMama tab tab tab Zaoth

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tab Chianachan tab Lyss The One In The Back tab Angel_half82

Rules and Regulations - Short Version


1. Every thread must have a poll.
2. Post your topic in the appropriate place or it will be moved.
3. Do not post in seven day old threads unless you have actual interest in the topic.
4. Do not spam or bump in the main forum, or in ANY subforum except for SPAMALOT.
5. Do not role-play rape. This is against the ToS.
6. DO NOT PM any of the mods asking for donations. We donate at random and we donate to ALOT of people.
7. For questions about Gaia and why it wont work, ect. put in the main forum to be answered and we will move it later.

For a more thorough understanding of our guild's rules, please read THIS thread and THIS one, too, BEFORE POSTING!!!

Else you might get a visit from Mr. Executioner

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.FG4PGs Comic by Goddess Ace

Awiergan's Flash Movie!
FG 4 PG Teh Muvie!

Still not sure if you want to join?
Read what some of our dedicated members have to say about their beloved guild!

This guild is great. I love it! If you are having a bad day 9 times out of 10 you will leave here with a smile on your face. Also I randomly donate things to guild members so keep your wishlist updated. Chuck Norris floats like a butterfly and stings like a tomahawk missile. At mach 3. In the face.

Dr Entropy
This guild is a great place to meet new people and make gold at the same time. Some of the people I have met may not exactly be what you call "mentally stable" but none the less they are good people. xD This place helped me find my very first friends on Gaia when I first started and I hope that I can be that to other new members.
A little about myself I'm Dr Entropy but my old friends here call me Soul from my past usernames. Feel free to call me Soul, Dr, Dr E. or anything of the sort. I'm 17. I live in the sunny state of Florida. I have pocky withdrawals, I mosh in the shower, I worship Arizona Iced Tea, and I talk to myself in elevators. I'm almost always willing to talk to anyone about music (so long as your open minded about it).

Zaoth Kun
Hey guys Squee_moon here 3 Well you can call me Squee if you want ;DD I am known around the guild as a weirdo.... Well most probably 3 I am quite random in how I answer topics etc.... I am liked (I hope) wink I like art ^^ I do draw but not very often ^^ I use smiles a lot =P If you hadn't noticed yet =] I use many kinds but this isn't really about me talking about smiles? Well I hope not o.o That would be quite boring eh?
Well on to me 8D I'm a girl and Birthday is 10th may 1991 work my age out for your self ;D I'm in college and learn stuffs 8D Anyway go read about the other awesome people ;D


Yo! I'm churrlo 3nod With an L! I'm pretty much awesome because... I'm Mexican P And I'm [Frito]'s brothers so that's like bonus points =o. All the awesome people here keep me active cause they're all amazing and I like talking with them big

Lyss The One In The Back
Lyss hangs out in FG-4-PG because it's an awesome guild. It has a dedicated crew, an amazing guild leader, and the usual senior people who help point people in the right direction. Lyss is an awesome guild peep because Lyss is chock full of wit, she can come up with pretty kick-a** nicknames, and cause everyone loves Lyss's third person references. xD
Lyss just wants to let the new peeps know not to tick off the seniors, as that is not cool.

Iconised Ghost
What makes me hang out in the guild FG4PG has the perfect mix of people and insanity- its a little insane, quite intelligent, and full of randomness; it keeps me on my toes, makes me think and makes me laugh. The people have given me more support, friendship, lols, and facepalms than i ever expected and that's awesome.

What makes me awesome Wouldnt you like to know ninja I'm patient, willing to state my opinion ( XD ), and willing to admit that i am wrong. Willing to laugh at others AND at myself, I'm pretty easy going, and always willing to lend members a helping hand when i can. And that's why i'm awesome wink

Fg4pg Gift Ninja: ninja Giver of stealth random goodies!
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FG4PGS Former Accountant: Currently on vacation until further notice

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