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Lieutenant Kyosuke Nanbu

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Welcome to a World Within A World. Here, you will find a secret world of Gaia living just parallel to the Gaia Forums you may call home. Yes, we are all Gaia Forums are and more! If you wanted to find a safe place to hang, perhaps get away from some of the mumbo jumbo that many spammers leave in their wake, you have found it friend. Browse my guild to your hearts' content. Membership costs you nothing, but the joy you will get from being here will leave you feeling relaxed and entertained. Pull up an easy chair.... Welcome to the Guild.
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Guild forums found within include:

Crew's Circle of Trust: A place for Crew to discuss guild related topics
Welcome to A World Within A World: A place to make your first post and a friends chat subforum
General Discussion: A subforum for relaxed conversation
Extended Discussion: A subforum for heated debates
Questions & Assistance: A subforum for any questions related to the guild, or Gaia in general
Guild Feedback: A subforum for suggestions to make the guild more exciting and entertaining. A place for member to be heard and ideas to be implemented
Official Guild Contests: A subforum uniquely designed to raise moral for members. A nice change of pace to gain gold or get items for practically 1/2 the MP price or better
A World of Excess: an RP Subforum: A subforum for those who wish to live the life of fantasy
Spam and Such: A subforum to post whatever you want, so long as you earn gold from it
World Bazaar: A subforum specifically for members to sell any wares they have to offer. From art, to items you can find it here
Entertainment: A subforum for those who love sports, anime, manga, music, television, games, etc.
Artsy Fartsy: A subforum to showcase your artistic side. Art in here cannot be sold here
Lost Posts: A subforum for forgotten or unwanted posts
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As you can see, we have much to keep you stimulated! Curiosity peeked. has it? Now that you have wiped your mouth from the drool, you should submit a join request to be review by the Crew members! Just follow this:
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Why you would like to join:
Can you be a dedicated member with no less than one post a week?: Yes/ No
Were you referred to us by someone? Yes or no? If Yes, who?:

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