Welcom to Callestan. A enourmous continet where time has no affect, only he actions of the inhabitants do. This is a place where you can be whatever you want to be and I mean anything. You want to be a bounty hunter with a futuristic car, ok. you want to be a knight of the round table, ok. This is a place to have fun and rp your hearts out as long as you follow the rules.

1.follow gaia TOS
2. keep all actions PG-13(no cybering but foreplay before the action takes place is allowed as long as it is PG-13)
3.cussing is allowed but dont over do it or you will be banned
4.no godmoding.( specifications inside)
5.It is perfectly fine to disrespect eachother while you are IC but OOC is where you must be respectful to other members.
6.Violence is allowed but dont just fight the whole time try to rp too.
7. Be literate. You dont have to be perfect but try to make readable posts.( no text talk while IC)
8.No judging someone's literacy.
If there are any problems then please contact cmcconnell95 or any of the forum moderators.

You must first provide a reason why you wish to join. It doesnt have to be long or that good but give a deceant reason please.
Secoundly, you must provide a sample of your RP work meaning either make something up or use something old. You may put references down but it would save a lot of time just to type out a sample.
Lastly, provide a bio for your character.if you arnt sure what you want to be then just give the deffinats and work on the details later.

the usual bio lay out
appearence(picture perfered but text is good to)
weapons(ex.swords,guns, ect.)
armor(can be included with wepons if you want to save space.)
bio (a short biography about your character and their orogins. try to be original)
other(an open space where you may put anything that doesnt fall into the catagories above such as vehicls or houses or maybe pets. anything you can think of)

Now if you arnt sure if you want to join yet then you can take a look inside and see the guilds usual layout. new things happen every day and you dont want to miss out.