We walk umong you. You wouldnt know us from anyother you would meet on the street. We may serve your coffee. Or we are you doctor, or neighbor, or girl around the block. We are normal in everyway except one. We will never die, never age, and we change......

Threw the Haze of time a mist clears slowly. We can see a thick armed Man like creature Hunched over a small fire. Fur covered huge arms rested on bent knees. He was an outcast, something that wasnt wanted, an Unmated male. So he survived in the savage wild, with only his spear, and a chunck of flint rock. Massive scaled monsters roamed the wild world just outside the light of his fire. The hary mans eyes flicked open every few moments, so he could thow another stick upon the fire, and to watch the large rodent roasting over its licking toungs. He always glanced into the shadows before he allowed his eyes to close again.

Thats when he heard it. One moment before he allowed his eyes to close. A crunch of snow, then a snapp of a dryed twig. The hary man shifted only slightly so he could have his spar in a blink if something attacked. But thats when he saw her. The skeletal thing covered in fur. She would have been beautyfull if not for the starvation. Her red brown coat, a rairity umong the massive breed, lay matted and dull over every bone on her large frame. She stopped just as her snout came into the light of his fire. She seemed shocked that she had arrived here, unaware where she was. He felt sorry for the beast andwished her pain ended. But he knew even in this state, she could have him before he moved an inch.

And with her starvation, She was more dangerouse than a entire pack of well feds. This female was like him, and unmated outcast. She was too big, to visouse, to different. She stared at the man with wary eyes. But she swayed, unable to stand she slammed to the soft snow. She never allowed her eyes to stray from the man creature tho.

She gave a short wine, and finaly lowered her eyes in submission to this man. He didnt hesitate. He snatched a large legg off of the roasting rodent, something that would feed three of his people, and he dropped it at the Females nose. SHe sniffed hungeryly but did not take the meat. She had no streangth left. So the man crouched at her head and pryed her jaws apart. Stupid as it was, he felt drawn to do this.

He didnt make a sound as his wrist raked one of her massive eye teeth, not so large as a sabor tooth, but large enough to crush a mans scull with one bite. He ignored the pain and strange sensation that mounted his arm. He shoved meat into her throte and lifted her heavy head untill she swollowed. He repeated the action untill her stomace bloated out with the meat. He then melted snow to a tempature that would no kill her. He forced her to swollow this. It was harder for most of each small sipp dripped out of her razored jowles.

Finaly he wrapped his own Mammoth Hide cloak over her body and he moved the fire closer to her. It was slow work and he was rather singed after, but she would be warm. Exausted he leaned against her massive stomack and fell into a fitfull sleep. His arm on fire, but she was alive. He had no Idea how truly old this Female Wolf truly was. For she was the first. And now So was he.

THe Haze clears, fogg settles on a new time. Far from this one. The World has regressed. Intellagance had peeked, and nearly distoyed. Towns Major Citys are gone, flat fertal land has replaced these. Small towns have reesablished, with schools coming back, resturants are openin, farm land rules these towns. Many humans live in these towns, unknowingly, or uncaring that they are living and loving alonside beings that have lived since the dawn of time or later. One who is the Only one the first of all, a few others who have come from her to be the others.

Will life go on as we know it? Or will Humans revult when they know? THis is our story, you the writers. Tell it as it is.