Welcome To !

Star Wars : The Old Republic (Role Playing)

Welcome to a Star Wars Old Republic Exhalted where we Role-Play for fun and Kicking Asses. When you join you may become an Sith, Jedi, Mandalorian, and Etc.. You must PM the Leaders. Or Contact Sickjeremiah.

Timeline 3,519 BBY

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~The Rules and regulations~

! No Godmoding ! - God moding. making your self to powerful when you are of a low status, or making yourself invincible. It also consist of dodging every attack someone launches on you, as well as defending against them.

! No Auto hitting ! -Auto hitting. making your self attack without giving the opponent to attack during a roleplay session. So if you were to attack the enemy by slashing off his arm in one post before he or she got their say in it that would be auto hitting. Now if you are going to make contact like grabbing your enemy then thats okay.

! Know you power level ! -knowing you power level. This goes into effect with the God mode rule. Don't come in making yourself ultra powerful right off the back. If you are a beginer on your element don't make your self insanely powerful enough to kill a Leader or someone way higher than you. If you are on a level then roleplay on that level is what I'm saying. Now if you are for someone stuck in that position for some reason then you are welcome to make yourself stronger. But, it has to be a long time not a few weeks to a month.

! Make sense in your post ! -Making sense in your roleplaying.
When you post be sure to seperate your talking actions with your roleplaying actions. Also when you go outside the subject use parenthese to talk.

! PG13 Cyber ! - Keep everything at a PG13 level, no sexual, nude, anything that not above PG13.

! Literacy is a must ! - We want to keep the guild more literate and interesting. Try to avoid one liners unless absolutely necessary. Avoid "* *" and/or chatspeak. Any higher members (ex.Sith Lord) are especially required to be literate.

Also please give a RP Sample.