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(Big thanks to Tomha_Domizoko for the guild ad.)

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Greetings! And welcome to the Marvel vc DC Universe Guild! This guild is open to anyone who loves Marvel or DC comics, or those just getting into them.

This is primarily a Role Play Guild, and we offer a few different types of role playing. Such as the "Main" Role play... which has been going on since 2008.

There is also the "What If" Role Play forum, where you can create your own mini role plays.

And, the bran new "Reboot!" Role Play. This is a larger scale role play, and has just begun as of May 2013. A vast amount of characters are available for play, and you're free to begin you own plots for the new universe!

We also have an art forum where you can post your own art or ask for an artist to create artwork for you.

And we have a fanfiction forum where you can post your own fanfiction or read what someone else has created!

*** Being active is a big plus here, as people who don't post for months are booted out. We have a monthly sign-in sheet that everyone is expected to sign.

We understand if you can't be on everyday, but please at least try to make a commitment. There's plenty to do here.

*** Being literate is also a big plus here. smile

*** Be sure to read the rules and everything before role playing!

To see who is available for play, please see the character threads. The larger list is for the main role play and What if role plays, and the Reboot section pertains only to the Reboot role play.

UPDATE: Characters are being updated and cleaned out. Lots of canon characters up for grabs soon!

If you want to know what has happened plot wise... please ask a captain or crew member and we will explain what has happened.