The Gaian National Guard: One Weekend a Month, My a**

In the chaos running rampant in the realm, there is an organization of order.

In the warring mystical world where unimaginable mysteries lay waiting, there is a place of peace.

In the tempest-like minds of residents, there is a structure of serenity.

The Gaian National Guard is the Order amidst Chaos, the Peace among War, and the Serenity among the Storm.
What We Are About:

We are here to serve the citizens of the land we provide and protect. We are here to ensure Order, Peace, and Serenity.

We fight for the rights of all creatures, quelling any injustices we perceive.
We know our duty and preform it selflessly.
We respect all creatures, whether small or large.
We support eachother, as a family should.

The Gaian National Guard is for the people, yet of the people. We have only the best in mind for the land we love.