This Guild is for anyone who loves or writes poetry,but while you
are here and still reading this,you may have noticed the
name,is Dark Poetry.
Thats because,the poetry written here isnt
about how happy you are,
it is about......well you may get what I mean.

Here in this guild you can post a poem and see
what others think,no one,will judge you
on what it says,they can just tell you what they thought.

The rules here are very simple,all you have to do is follow them.

so the rules are

you can post poetry(only if you want to)
you can talk about anything else here as well
don't judge anyone
be respectful to all who join
don't argue over something that is pointless
and plz just follow the rules


Please Fill this out or you will never be able to join,it really annoy's me when I see no one use the form,so please use it,it only take about five minutes to fill out.

example sad give me an example of one of your poems,if your a poet)*Writers dont have to do this*
How did you come across the Guild:

Im going to say this right now,so far I have gotten a few people pming the form to me,Please do not pm it to me,for I will not accept you into the guild and will ignore the pm,also notice this is a dark poetry guild nothing else.
If you dont fill this form out then I will not accept you,I need an example if your a poet,so plz do not just post anything,plz post the form******

thats it,thats all,now its time to say farewell to all..