<center><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v46/G0ldenstar/Shop2/Rping%20Maps/May2010Banner-NoBackground-FullSize.png" />

Long ago a war rattled the very foundation of the Realm, pitting dragon kind against human kind in an all out murderous blood shed. This, “Great War”, left more then millions dead, but left a terrible evil in its wake. Many heroes would arise to put an end to it all and on day they succeeded. The Realm achieved peace and the memory of that once Great War all but faded. Though history has begun to repeat itself, the Realm is once again threatened by the coming of the second Dark Age. This time however, there are no heroes to save it…

Welcome to the Dragons of the Realm, the original fantasy role play and community! The Realm offers a rich range of character choices, detail back stories, and a thrilling main plot line. This role play also offers many sub plot lines, and your do-it-yourself plot creation. There are no small characters, only small people!

Old and new users alike will find joining the Realm a rather painless process. This is a literate role play however, but don’t let that discourage you! As long as you have original ideas and the will to improve, over time, you won’t be turn down.

The Realms strives to have a happy open community and to be your first choice in role playing. We will have contest, raffles, and random prizes for dedicated role players. So what are you waiting for? The Realm is only missing one thing, and that’s you! Head on over to the rules and begin your journey in the Dragons of the Realm!

Want To Join? Read the Rules To Find out How.

You are not allowed to partake in Role-play in till your profiles have been setup in the Guild.
(otherwise you'll be ignored)

Quick Link To Profiles

Staff/Admen List:
Goldenstar Sands - Owner / Founder
Zargata - Co-Owner / Epic-Awesome
