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Yes, please read the whole thing:

We are here to discuss and enjoy topics along the lines of:
- Ero/H-games
- Visual Novels
- Hentai
(yaoi and yuri included)
- Art discussion
- Anime

And such that have to do with those topics.
We are not here to spam.

In a mature manner

(although we're fairly crazy)

Although we discuss mature subjects,
that does not mean we are to do it in a perverted freak way.
We are all normal people here ^_^

Now, we like people - MH is complete people person on Gaia
and she loves her members <3
But the guild doesnt need spammers or illiterate people.
Please think before you apply - because we will deny,
we are not here to collect tons of members,
but to have fun in a reasonable manner.

A few rules:

- Do not ask for any Hentai, ect.
Be mature when talking about mature subjects.
You will be warned or banned if you act imature enough that it bugs us.

- Nothing against the ToS

- Pictures must abide by the ToS
and the sticky on the Picture Post forum

- Be nice to other people,
we dont need elitest/trolls/flamers here

- Try and keep discussions about specific subjects to their thread
until they get their own subforum

- No spamming please,
it makes me sad when someone
cant even think of a reason to post

- Try and stay active,
its understandable if you cant post all the time,
but we dont want the guild to die

When applying:

Please show that you are at least literate.
Not that all of your words have to be spelled perfectly,
nor does your application have to be paragraphs long,
but please at least look at least a little intelligent.

Also - if [.MH.] happens to be on
(which is quite often)
You can pm her saying that you applied if you want to get into the guild quicker

We like these people!! :

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