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Welcome to [Enter Guild Name Here]. Really, that’s the name of the guild. We promise. This isn’t some random guild introduction template we Googled and were too lazy to update.

Inside you’ll find not so much a medium-sized guild but a large family. This is not a place to go and rant to no one in particular. Here, you can expect feedback, intelligent commentary, and a total lack of 1337sp34k. If you can be mature 60% of the time, you have most of us beaten hands down, but you’re still welcome.

[EGNH] is a land where coconuts and ducks frolic and make babies, where brakes are quaked and faces funked, and most importantly, where we all laugh at running jokes we barely understand.

We have a few simple rules here, though there is rarely a need to enforce. We’re just that awesome.

1. Follow the TOS. Please. We pack Bansabers, but it’s a bit tiring swinging those things around.
2. This is an all-ages guild, and our members range from about thirteen to twenty-something. Keep that in mind when you post.
3. No spamming. Seriously. We don’t like cleaning up after idiots.
4. Every thread must have a poll attached. Everyone likes money.
5. Don’t be a jerk.

Wanna join the guild? Really? Aww that’s sweet (:
But first you must answer some questions we have for you and you alone!
How to Request: Answer all of these very serious questions

1. How old are you?
2. Why do you want to join the guild?
3. What is the first thing that comes to mind when “coconut duck baby” is spoken?
4. Can we funk you?
5. Quake? Anti-quake?

Guild Anthem
Onward, Onward - for the_ilse_witch and [EGNH]

Onward, onward, for Enter Guild Name Here
We praise this merry land of ours, with a resounding cheer
Coconut duck babies
Freaks and crazies
Our island is home to all that’s weird

Onward, onward, for our jolly ruler
The goddess ilse is so sweet, she’s like a honey cruller
Through thick and thin
She’s always in
No other god is cooler

Onward, onward, for our island home
In Enter Guild Name Here, no one’s ever alone
In the sun
We have our fun
Each of us loyal to the bone

Onward, onward, for Enter Guild Name Here
We praise this merry land of ours, with a resounding cheer
Coconut duck babies
Freaks and crazies
Our island is home to all that’s weird

That’s all that is required. Enter, and enjoy.


-- Switters