At the end of the 4th Shinobi War the Daimyos grew fearful of the Shinobi Villages. The devastation left by Edo Tensei had left a better taste in their mouths and shortly after the practice of all Jutsu were outlawed and the Lords armies marched against the weakened Shinobi Villages. The Lords armies vastly out number any single village and the first to fall were smaller villages such as the Grass, Rain, Waterfall, Star, etc...

The major 5 villages were isolated from each other and unable to call for aid and soon they too began to fall. The first of the great villages to fall was the Mist. The land's natural distrust of Genkai clans escalated and the Kirigakure was over run before the majority of their forces could return causing the remaining clans to scatter into the waves.

The next to fall was the Iwagakure. Despite their powerful and respected Kage again volume was the deciding factor against the Stone and they scattered amongst the pebbles.

The remaining villages would struggle with their Daimyo over the course of the next year but the once proud and powerful Leaf was turned to ash and the village swallowed by flames. Like the embers in the night they scattered into the darkness.

The next village to fall was Sunagakure. Despite the awesome powers of the desert they were no match for starvation and thirst and they too fell before the wrath of the Daimyos and the last to fall was Kumogakure. Though they had much might the Cloud too fell too and on that day there was not a Cloud in sight.

With the defeat of the last great Shinobi village the hunt for the more feared Shinobi clans began. Those belonging to Genkai clans or in possession of Forbidden Jutsu were marked with high prices and so began the Era of the Wandering Clans.

It was during this time that the demand for Samurai exploded. The samurai began to take on the demands of the former villages and soon the demand was so great that the Land of Iron could not meet the demand and Bushido schools began to pop up all across the lands as the Shinobi went into hiding.

With the resurgence of Bushidō and the fall of the Shinobi many would take up arms as a Samurai in the hunt for Shinobi. From these schools many strong partitioner would appear as the hunting ensued strong Rōnin would appear and when the Daimyo declared war against each other it was the Rōnin and Samurai who formed the main fighting force.

During this time the Shinobi arts were practiced in secret and many clans simply disappeared over the years. It would be another 50 years before the lord's unrest over the 4th Shinobi war began to subside and restrictions placed on Shinobi clans were loosened, and though publicly accepted again the people as a whole treated them lower than trash.

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10 Years later the Lords would declare war against each other for one reason or another and they found themselves in need of more support then the Samurai could provide and thus Shinobi clans were in high demands as tools of war, but no official sanctions had been enacted to reform any villages.

Amongst the many battles that ensued 6 particular Samurai would emerge victories. Their very names became enough to force negotiations. These 6 Samurai would become to known as the Roku Bushū Stories have it entire divisions would fall if even one unsheathed their blade. It was because of this that Daimyo of smaller lands resorted to employing Shinobi in their forces causing restrictions on them causing clans to flock to them and changing the face of War.

It was from these battles that the Ō-Kage first appeared. The 5 Shinobi who's name struck the greatest fear. The very mention of Ō-Kage on the battlefield would make normal soldiers and even the Samurai and Rōnin tremble. All the years of oppression had breed much hatred amongst the Shinobi and as a result they were blood thirsty and the Ō-Kage were the most feared. Few ever saw their face and even fewer would survive and so the conflict escalated till there were just 2 sides. The Ō-Kage and the Roku Bushū.

With the conflicts over and false peace spreading the Ō-Kage had earn a boon of the Daimyo. The Ō-Kage then used that boon to get sanction to re-establish the Hidden Villages but as part of the agreement the Ō-Kage would have to work with the Roku Bushū to recapture the roaming Bijuu that were a blight on the land.

With the Bijuu subdued the Villages were re-founded with one large exception. Each village would also have a member of the Roku Bushū keeping watch. Each of the Roku Bushū would be stationed in the lands of Fire, Wind, Water, Lightning, Earth and Iron. They would be given the title of Shogun and it would become their responsibility to check the possible threat a Shinobi could possess on the well being of the world.

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