Hello, and welcome to Quest engine. This forum is specifically for those I know, so Don't try to join if you have no Idea who I am. I create systems for ttrpgs, and you, are my beta testers. We meet here in-between events to continue story lines, and our ever-lasting battles. (STRICTLY MEDIEVAL/FANTASY ROLEPLAY)

No swearing or profanity
No sexual roleplaying
And have fun.

Character system
[ In you request to join please specify ]
Name= X
lvl= 0
Race= (anything as long as you're avatar can represent it. Ex centaur, darkelf, highelf, troll, merfolk, equine, undead, vampire, werewolf, aven, and even, *sigh* humans if you like.)
Class= (witch-doctor, alchemist, warrior, mage ect.)
Abilities= (I'll PM you with your starting abilities; there will be 2.)
HP= (I'll also PM you that. Its based off of race.)

All of this must be completed before playing. I will do my best to keep up with the newbies as best I can. All of the information above must be pasted into you signature so we can keep tabs during battle of were you’re at, and what moves are legal for you or not.

You will be limited to 1 action per turn in battle (a post), so use them wisely. you will have a set amount of damage you can do based on skill and class. ANYONE is able to punch their foe for 1 damage. Keep this in mind as all you magic casters and healers slowly and painfully die . . . >=D

I may grant some items in-game, but very few. Nearly ALL items will be earned at EVENTS. You will gain an ability every time you lvl. up, In which YOU will PM me with you level and information, and I will tell you what skills you can choose to earn from. Every one however, has the option to use a skill point on a weapon ability, so if your ability with staffs is for 1dmg, then you can use a skill point to make that 2dmg. This means you can deal 2dmg with STAVES; not all weapons.

The Leveling system works like this:

You start as a lvl. 0 newbie, so your next level is level 1. This means you have to kill 1 more creature or enemy to become level one. Then, in order to get to level two, you must kill 2 MORE creatures to gain your next level. Seeing a pattern?

When you submit a request to join, and are accepted, you are to begin you journey in the Inn, a meeting place of sorts, were almost every plot-line begins at. In game, you may speak ONLY for your character and pets/minions. You do not make the scenarios or places, I do. Scenarios will be updated daily, so keep up-to-date!

I greatly encourage trying to make your avatar as realistic to you character as possible. If you are short of gold or items, simply PM me, and you requested things may be given.
Donations are appreciated to fund our under-dressed newbies to GM Phish. (by trade)

(I am all the monsters and NPC's, so keep this in mind, you piss me off, you die. got it?)

Any questions can be answered via questions topic, and PM.

Thanks, and enjoy! -GM Phish

[we need a donation of 5000 gold to finish this guilds construction. Thanks!]