Hello all. This is the City of the Lost. Well, that's what they call it. On the maps, though, it was labeled Dämoneven. Dämon is German for Demon. When they named it... No one knew how true that would be. The city itself was founded as a haven. A haven for artists, musicians, and actors. A haven for the lost and alone, a haven for those who have no family to turn to.
But now? Now, the haven that was so painstakingly created is being invaded.
The citizens just don't know it yet.
All over the city, fires have been breaking out. Fires that, according to officials, spring up from nowhere. There is neither rhyme, nor reason. On one side, we don't know what's causing them. However, we will soon. That's what I vow, at least. I'm Jay, Jay Matarro. I'm a reporter for the biggest paper in the city, the Chroniker. My aim is to find out why these fires are starting, and what the hell is behind them. No matter what it takes.
This, my friend, is where you come in. We need all the help we can get. So join the fight. Pick a side, demons, or us.

I got a few ground rules, so...here goes.
1. No cybering. It's not necessary. If you do cyber here, I can and will kick you out.
2. Don't kill each other. Fighting's alright, but please. It annoys me when people need to kill. Again, this happens, you're gone. You're welcome to make a char. up on the spot and then kill 'em, but that's it.
3. Drinking, gambling, all that jazz? Cool with me. Just don't go overboard.
4. Occasionally, I might feel the need to call a meeting for one reason or another. If I need to, it will be posted in big, red print. Pm me if I call for one. It will usually just mean a general announcement needs to be made, or some s**t like that.
5. If you so wish, you can take up a permanent residence in the city. PM me. The requirements are posted below.
6. Don't spam, avoid bumping.
7. Major rule - have fun.
8. You guys know the drill, no godmodding, follow Gaia ToS, all that jazz.

For any rule breaking, a first offense will get you a warning. A second get you on probation for two weeks. A third, and... I kick you out.


myself, of course


Profile For Demons
RPC Name
Type of Demon

Profile for Humans
RPC Name