This is a guild established with intelligent discussion in mind. It is designed to serve as a hub from which serious topics may be debated and discussed without the fear of flaming. Here, only those who put their viewpoints into eloquent, coherent wording are given a voice.Your viewpoint itself is irrelevant, only the manner in which you articulate it.

This is a guild where flaming is strictly prohibited, if you take issue with someone's opinion, your free to argue your own case, so long as you do so with grace and manners.

Besides offering a hub for intelligent discussion, this guild is also a refuge for Gaians who wish to engage in topical discussion without the fear of flaming, but more importantly, without the truly unnecessary hassle of having to trudge through miles of silly topics and irrelevant issues just to find a thread worth writing a reply to.

Foolish threads that ask questions that could be easily answered by a trip to good old, or questions whose answers are readily obvious if even a modicum of thought is invested into them are banned, and will be removed by the moderators.

Threads beginning with OMG!! or WTF!? or other generic titles will be removed, please put thought into your titles.

All caps is also frowned upon, as is alternating between capital and lower case characters, the Caps Lock and shift keys are not there to be abused!

Spam is VERY STRICTLY prohibited. Spam may include any thread posted in a forum where it should not be, any thread that makes no sense, or a thread that states simply "Hi" "hey there lol" or "Topic X Discuss" If your going to be posting, at least write a paragraph in the initial thread starter. Advertisments for personal shops or non-gaia sites also constitutes as spam. We come down hard on Spammers here, people who spam often will get a proverbial slap on the wrist, those who spam with consistency will be permanently banned. Note, that because of the shocking deluge of twilight threads that have flooded every Gaian forum, we also class twilight related threads OF ANY VARIETY as spam. There is no room on our forums for Twilight related threads, and moderators are instructed to delete Twilight threads on sight.

We abhor leet speak and text speak. If you wish to join, you must never EVER use text chat in your posts. Acronyms such as lol and omg are acceptable, but do not over use them.

For instance, it is perfectly acceptable to say
"ha ha, your a nice person"
"Lol, your nice"

It is not OK to say
"Lol ur kewl"

Good grammar is expected, perfect grammar is not, just speak in a manner suggestive of the fact that you DO indeed have a brain.In the case of individuals whose first language is not English, theres no worry, so long as you at least TRY to communicate intelligibly.

As stated above, beyond Intelligent discussion, this guild is also a place to come if you wish to socialise with other Gaians without the fear of flamers and trolls ruining your experience. Topics such as music, culture, gaming, literature and art may all be discussed, so long as our rules are observed.

This is a guild for Gaians who want to socialise, discuss, debate, and make new friends, but without the detrimental lack of brain cells. If you think you can abide by our rules and regulations, as well as the Gaia Terms of Service, then your more than welcome to submit an application forum.

Applications should be at least two paragraphs, and outline your reasons for wanting to join the guild. It should be written in your best English. A small entry fee of 50 Gold is also taken upon acceptance into the guild.

The names you need to know

Omnipotent Uncertainties

We're the founders of the guild. Obey the rules, do as we say, you'll have no issue.

Scholars (Admins)
Colourblind Rainbows