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αrcadia, once a savage land filled with violence, hatred, and dark magic. However, things change. In this case, change came in the form of a human, an elf, and a mermaid. The three, tired of the constant fighting, decided to work together to establish boundaries and borders for all the species. The creatures who inhabited the land realized the reason and logic behind the three’s words, and thus begun to help. Soon, Arcadia was peaceful, and balanced. To reward the three brilliant beings, each was given the title Queen or King of their kingdoms. Using their newly earned power, they banished the practice of dark magic. The land fell into an era of peace, most creatures became kind-hearted. Those who didn’t were merely slightly grumpy. Things seemed to be looking up for the previously broken land.

However, just as Arcadia changed for the better, it could just as easily change back. A dark wizard by the name of Ulric disliked the peace, and absolutely hated the three creatures, particularly the human. He believed them to be unworthy of such praise, considering them inferior to himself. His anger was fueled further by the banishment of dark magic. Furious, he began discreetly attacking villages, determined to get the people to turn against their beloved Queens and Kings. However, a few people caught him whilst executing these attacks. Word reached the Queens and Kings and they posted a bounty on his head. Avoiding capture, he disappeared into the shadows to recruit and plot the end of the three and Arcadia.

Years have passed since Ulric’s disappearance. The rulers have been just Queens and Kings, showing kindness, but being stern when need be. The people have all but forgotten the dark threat of Ulric. Some haven't however, and are nervous, but convince themselves he probably died. The Queens and Kings are not so sure. They've discreetly sent out occasional patrols to search for the wizard, none have been successful in finding any trace of him. Acknowledging Ulric was no longer a threat, they soon forgot about him, and focused on other things, such as raising the heirs to the thrones. Ulric, sensing the rulers had let their guard down, begun his recruiting. Eager to execute his plan to destroy Arcadia.

The inspiration for this, in case you were wondering, came from a combination of Eragon, Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, and Merlin. Also a recent visit to a Medieval Fair. ^.^


иo one truly likes rules, but they are necassary. First and foremost follow Gaia's ToS. No godmodding, it's annoying. I'm fine with cursing, just don't go overboard. Keep it Pg-13. On to the subject of posting. This is a semi-literate to literate roleplay. Meaning no text talk. I understand writers block, it's a pain. But still try to scrap of five sentences, I'll take an occasional three sentences, but don't make it a habit. Also, try to keep it below four paragraphs. I understand getting a rare creative flow, but don't do it every post. Try and make your posts pretty. This is also a somewhat-medieval roleplay, keep that in mind. I think that's all my rules. I more then likely won't be adding more rules.


ι really just want to start roleplaying, so there's no real layout to follow when joining, I'd just prefer maybe if you mention how active you intend to be, how literate, ect.