Greetings, dear demigods. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood.

I am Chiron, your activities director. I will watch the proceedings of the camp with my assistant Mr. D (who had, by the way, drank so much wine in the party after the fall of the Titan Lord, Lord Zeus sentenced him to another 100 years of doom in camp). I hope you enjoy your stay here in camp and learn many things. Train well and if there just happens to be another war on demigod kind, do well to be prepared.


1. Follow the T.O.S.
2. Try to reduce the fowl language. If you have to curse bad, please be decent and use a few astrix (*).
3. Anyone caught after bedtime will be devoured rather nastily. And just to remind you, we need all the campers we can get, because you neverknow when Kronos will rise again.
4. No God Modding by anyone except Me(Chiron) and Mr.D.
5. When you are in the Mess hall, eat at the table of your parent. They don't really like it when you eat at someone else's table, you know.
6. Do not kill another person's character untill they give you permission to do so.
7. Occasionally a Cabin councellor will be sent out to check your cabins. Of course, since this is only the beginning, I will make an exception.
8. Come to my office to get your schedule after you make your character. And come again once you have been claimed.
9. Capture the Flag will be held as a surprise. The winners will be torn away from clean up duty for a whole two weeks.
10.Do NOT leave camp (you CAN NOT swim all the way to Mexico, buster) unless instructed to do so.
11.And no, you cannot claim yourself.
12. You cannot go to Mount Olympus unless you are a God or unless you are invited. And the same apllies for the Underworld.

May the Gods be with you!