Based off of Rick Riordan's books. However your are not limited to only a demigod or magician in fact you're encouraged to be both.

1)Follow all gaia rules(Failure to do so will result in banishment from the guild)
2)NO GOD MOBBING!!!!!!!!! PERIOD!!!!!!
3)No Marry Sue (A.K.A making you're character perfect in every way shaoe and form)
4)No fighting/cyber bullying. (Take it to the parking lot. Not here)
5)No sex scenes (Though hinting is fine....just no detail.....please)
6)When requesting to join the phrase "Fear My Breath Mints!!" must appear somewhere in your request so we know you red the rules. If we don't see this phrase you will be declined!!!!!

This RP guild takes place in a secret camp in Nevada hidden under ground. It is descised as an old, run down, abandoned building neighboring the Lotus Hotel and Cosino. Upon entering there is a door with four signs all saying the same thing. "Welcome Absent Heroes". One in ancient Greek, one in Latin, one in Egyptian Hieroglyphics, and one in plan english. The signs are above a door, slightly ajar, that is blocked by an invisible force field that only lets in thoughs who are either demigods, magicians, both, or pure of heart mortals. The door opensto a spiral stair case, leading far down under the Earth's surface to a large camp in a beautiful field all hidden underground with everything from an underground lake to the most realistic artificial sun one could every think of. Heroes, you have reached your Haven! Welcome! To Camp Evermore!