This is not a guild completely centered on a specific video game series! The RPs can be from basically anything. Keep the text big enough for others to see at all times! Some people may have vision problems! Try to avoid really bright text colors that also may make it worse to read. Furthermore, please do NOT page stretch! If an image is too big, please just post it as a link.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you use pictures anywhere in the guild such as character profiles and RPs, always cite your sources!

1. No god-modding or meta-gaming!
2. No arguing with the captain, crew, vice captain or other members in a negative way! If there is a problem between members, please let the captain, vice captain or crew member know and we will try to work with you to resolve it first. If you continue to argue negatively and not cooperate, you will receive 2 warnings. If it persists, your membership can be terminated.
3. Absolutely NO SPAMMING in any RP threads.
4. Keep every RP up to PG-13. X rated content, topics, etc. of any kind are NOT allowed!
5. Follow Gaia's ToS and RP rules!
6. Original Characters are allowed!
7. At least be semi-literate. The minimum is at least 3 to 5 sentences for each post. It's understandable if you have trouble with spelling, grammar, punctuation, or other related issues. If you need help with spelling and such, please don't hesitate to ask others.
8. No profanity or explicit scenes of any kind! Stories don't need inappropriate words or heavily bloody, gory scenes in order to be told. Please keep your words clean at all times both in an RP and outside of them.
9. Romance is allowed. However, if things get too steamy, please TIME SKIP! Don't go overboard on the details. This is not a porn guild! (I.E. yaoi, yuri, hentai etc.) Keep it PG-13! No X rated details please and DO NOT take it to PMs!
10. Have fun and be creative!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to PM the captain Princess Zelda21, or any of the Vice Captains or crew.