This is a Mass Effect Fan Fiction/Roleplay.
It's 2487
Four Hundred years after the Unification of the Galaxy and subsequent destruction of the Reapers, the Legend and legacy of Commander John Shepard lives on.

Relations between the Humans, Krogan and Turians for example are by far the most strengthened since the war.
Not to fall short, the Geth and the Quarians have grown close once again and although slaves before the Morning War, they are now companions since the close of the Reaper Wars. Most Quarians travel within close proximity to their Geth counterpart. The Quarians and Geth each have a Counsellor at Shepard's request and have since regained their influence amongst the community.

The Batarians, Volus, Elcor and Hanar have all been recently considered to join the council in a new effort to include all races.

Unfortunately, Cerberus remains. Unstoppable and relentlessly determined they march on in the Shadows. Long cut off from one another, one man with seemingly unlimited resources has taken the helm of the powerful Pro-Human Organization.
Rebuilding it from the ground up he regained a foothold on nearly all of Cerberus' previous assets and ascertained more.

Once presumed dead and gone. Eradicated, Cerberus is back and stronger then ever. More then determined, the ideal that they stand for is unstoppable and only gaining momentum.
The Galaxy will suffer no more. The Aliens will be eradicated, and with them, any sympathizers.

The Golden Age of Humanity and Cerberus is upon us once and for all.
Will you stop it?

Mass Effect - The Written Physics.

1. Respect. Treat everyone in this Universe equally and with respect. Unless they are being disrespectful to you. Then show them the door... literally. I hear it hurts.

2. PG-13. Gone are the times of forced, sometimes awkward limitation. That being said, please don’t turn your posts in the readings of mommy porn ((romance books)). We also don’t need to read pages or more of endless sweaty sex. That’s what the mommy porn is for. - Oni Doesn't quite get it but he approves. Little bit of Romance & little bit.. actually, LOTS OF VIOLENCE. (Love ya Angel.)

3. Fights scenes. All fights are equal. Anyone choosing to ignore this rule and act the part of a god damn Reaper on crack, can and will be erased. BY MY HAND.

4. Death. Character kills are forbidden unless the controlling player agrees or the Lord Master of this Universe has deemed someone unfit. ie. They have not posted in forever or have broken a main rule. (ONI IS THE LORD MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE.) (I think.) (Am I?)

5. Posting. Posts are expected to provide movement in the story, character building and/or visualization of some sort. It is also expected that post be at least a paragraph long. We all know that writers block occurs but try your best. (Oni is a bit of a pushover, just don't piss him off.)

6. Editing. If a post must be edited please inform the other player whom may be affected by the changes. Either post the change in a forum or make a spoiler that includes said people.

7. Font. Post in font sizes 9-11 and pick colours that can be read easily. This will allow for a cohesive and easier read for everyone involved.

8. References. If at any point the need for a reference as to how a character would, act, talk, weaponize, and dress feel free to check out the ME Wiki. Or the quick essentials. Armor, Equipment, Powers, Abilities, Talents, Weapons and Races. Remember, the wiki is your friend.

9. Characters. Choose your characters accordingly. There is nothing more frustrating than seeing a character who is for example Quarian acting like they are Krogan. YOU SHALL NOT RAGE.

10. Changes.Over the course of our stay the rules may be changed and/or added to. All changes will be brought up in the forum to alert everyone. That being said it doesn’t hurt to check back on them ever once and while.

11. Lost. If you fall behind at any point there will be a form were story line updates will be posted.

12. The Long Haul. The point is to have fun. We also realize that every once in a while life turns around and nips you in the a**. If you need to leave for a while please inform Oni and find a way to place your character on hiatus. Additionally, if Oni is on Hiatus, it is your duty to nag him back into action. - Endorsed by Oni. (No it's no....) *Seeing Stars*

All original rules developed by the lovely Angel_dancing_in_darkness. Slightly tipped off by the Insanity of Oni. Brought to you by freaky fans of Mass Effect. biggrin