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Myria's core plot has split! We now have two plots running as two different outcomes of the last fateful battle with the darkness. Come and join in as the split yet joined fates are revealed.

Dreaming Still
(This is a summary of the Original Myria Core for the new world. It is a rough overview of the events that took place before the Fianl Battle with the Darkness. For a more in-deapth tale, read the Original Myria Core in the Vaults of Honor)

In a hundred years, Myria had remained stagnant, frozen perpetually in a state of near despair as the Darkness slowly spread its tainted shadow across the land. Yet even as She slept, the land resisted the nightmare's curse, and summoned unto itself brave warriors who would fight the Darkness to its destruction. And as She called, they came, Saviors of other worlds, other realms. They came in droves to fight for Myria, gaining the power of elements, but more than that, the Saviors brought with them the power of Hope. The power of daring to dream of something beyond the darkness.
The power to look towards the Dawn.
Alas, their first attempt to slay the Darkness failed, for not all the needed Saviors were found in time, so Her Highness, the Princess Kikuka, was forced to send these noble youths back to their homes with no true recollection of what had passed, though some could never forget.

And so came the second Calling, and the Saviors flocked in once again, bringing with them greater numbers, greater strength, and greater determination than first they summoned when first the Mother Oak pulled them to her World. They have come with new comrades, more strength that, while once too new, too raw, has tempered finely into a blade of the finest damascened steel. They come bearing fire in their hearts, and calm determination in their minds. And, with training and jesting, with frustration and much plotting, both together and alone, the Sunset of Shadows finally, finally, began.
[[Thanks to Silentdraconis for this summary <3]]

Dark Heart
(This is a summary of the Original Myria Core for the new world. It is a rough overview of the events that took place before the Final Battle with the Darkness. For a more in-depth tale, read the Original Myria Core in the Vaults of Honor)

Once upon a time, there was a fairy tale land full of dreams. It was a happy, beautiful place with peace and happiness throughout. Imagine the most wonderful place ever, now imagine it a million times more peaceful and happy. That was Myria.
And then, people grew restless. They allowed Darkness into their hearts. And thus, Darkness came into the Land of Dreams.
Darkness poisoned the land from within. The landscape grew dark and barren. Crime broke out, and people died. The Darkness gained a physical form, Percus Vale.
Percus Vale was a young, run-of-the-mill, mill owner. He had once enjoyed prosperity with precious little effort, charging people to use his mill. And then, business dried up. He fell into despair, then anger, then pure hatred for the throne and all who sat upon it. He opened himself to the Darkness, and became the perfect host.
A celebration was held across the entire span of Myria. The young princess Kikuka had finally come to the age of thirteen! King Milton himself would personally adress the needs of thirteen individuals from various regions and groups of Myria at the site of the Myrian throne, the Mother Oak.
The festivities were perfect, the greatest celebration that the Land of Dreams had ever seen before.
And then came the time for the king to grant his services to the Thirteen of Myria. The first three needed gold. The next six needed protection. The three after that wished for work.
The thirteenth pulled a dagger.
Percus Vale brutally murdered the beloved King Milton of Myria on that spot before his own people. This was an unheard of act and a stunned silence fell upon those assembled. The young princess stood behind the throne sobbing softly as her mother, Queen Felicity, rushed at the king's assassin.
He pointed at her and a voice sprang from his throat. But it was not his voice. The Darkness had spoken. Queen Felicity writhed in agony, her body stretching out and lengthening, until finally, the deed was done. Felicity, queen of Myria had become a vine upon the Mother Oak.
The Darkness quickly began to take the rest of Myria for itself.
A year later, the young princess foolishly attempted to destroy the Darkness by herself. It left her weak and near death, but by the mercy of the almighty Darkness, she survived.
She then dared to be presumptuous enough as to seal the castle itself in time and weaken Percus Vale himself.
She called out to the Saviors then.
She was too weak to reach them and only a few made it to Myria.
It was utter failure and she had to return them to Earth.
Her seal of the palace also sealed the time within it.
Centuries passed outside of it, but a year after the disasterous attempt to call together the Saviors, Kikuka tried again.
This time she reached more and stronger Saviors.
They prepared to asault the Darkness once, and found themselves lacking.
Between this attempt and the Saviors' final attempt on the Darkness, the princess fell in love with one of her saviors, Jekk Alkani of Time.
Love also blossomed between two of the Saviors, Aren Hood of Dreams and Jasae Bushae of Music.
Once more the Saviors gathered together their strength for their final battle with the almighty Darkness.
Aren Hood of Dreams offered herself as a new host for the Supreme Darkness in the hope of controlling and sealing it.
She failed miserably and continues to serve as the host to the Darkness to this very day.
The others were slaughtered, their graves forgotten.
[[Thanks to Eviltwinears for this summary <3]]

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-This is Myria and all of you who enter are its Saviors, Please help the Princess' beloved land.-

Come on and join the best Guild there ever was! You know we're simply the best. I know that if you've gotten this far that you are ready to become a part of the best guild of RPers! Go ahead and JOIN!

Vice-Captain and Bearer of the Woeful Computer Killing Stick

myria is a fun little place with many odd and crazy things! see a cat that owns tahiti! and a girl with two or three demons pattering around her head!
-Jasae Bushae

** If you would like to join:
Send a join request saying-
~ why would you like to join?
~ How did you find this guild?
~ Small role play example (1 paragraph).

Thanks again!